Saving the rhino can you help?

in #gov696 years ago (edited)

First,we need to be aware of the problem. We are losing an average of three rhino's a day due to poaching. Rhino horn is one of the most ancient and now endangered species in South Africa, are our heritage, we need to protect them. Can you please help I dont know if people can get involved by lobbying the government to lift the ban on rhino horn will help? Because as long as the Cites ban is in place, there is no legal supply of rhino horn, so the criminal syndicates turn to illegal procurement -proaching. Legalisation would remove the poaching pressure from our wildlife system and would provide much -needed revenue to continue our conservation. A rhino has become much more of a liability to breeders and reserves than an asset. Rhinos do not have to be killed for their horns to be harvested. They regrow at a rate of 10cm a year. I am not suggesting this is the ultimate solution but, experience of rhino species devastation and slaughter, we owe it to our rhino to try a different approach. Can you please help save this species for the future generation. RHINO-white_rhino.jpg