Just watched the final episode of GOT and...

in #got6 years ago

I am kinda disappointed with the whole outcome... Season 8 was kinda weird overall. What are your thoughts? Please don't tell me you liked it:)

<p><center>http://static1.squarespace.com/static/59beb7988a02c72873b195d3/59beb8ef017db2f155febdf2/5cab93fff9619af7790f8866/1554756780154/GOT-01.jpeg?format=1500w<br /> <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmYhtAWD7WvyR3mkWugJYKD8C2xbjbKP4Jdw7HjUADfj4C/steem%20crta.png" alt="steem crta.png" /> <p><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmazpS1nCYDivgNSSkDPAwwJa8CC4dm6hNWvuNcAHCDyoG/finish.gifs" alt="finish.gif" />

Was never gonna live up to expectations.

Knew what was gonna happen with the Jon Deny scene a mile a way.

Overall, still awesome but last season probably the worst.


I understand they had to twist things and stuff but sending Jon back to North after all he did... He took an L there :)

I need a new fix, you know a cool series?

New, not really :)

I watched first season of Killing Eve and that was pretty cool. Need to catch up on Black Mirrors latest seasons too.

Okay thanks, will check it out! Cheers brotha!

Man, I enjoy every second of it! Can't w8 to go through all the episodes again... :3

hehe typical sensei:)

amazing season. best so far. maybe they missed few details to be perfect. like dragon swallowing Daenerys body and burping loud, and Cersei`s newborn / half whitewalker crawling out of rubble and killing the dwarf. I also hope that Arya will find Rick Grimes on her journey to the west.

This made me laugh!