El Barbuda my friend
Serenito my friend
Mate my friend
drum my friend
black and my friend
they are a team, we all work together as a team. In my workshop, El Barbuda and Serenito are in charge of visualizing things.

My great friend, mate, always passes it on high, raising all kinds of things if I ask him

and not to mention drum, it always helps me to remove the grease from all the vehicles and even the one I have in my body; yes, yes, yes ... I will talk about my black friend, he spends his time with his mouth open always waiting for his key, to take me everywhere and bring me every day to my workshop.

This is all for today friends @googlyeyes I hope you have fun. greetings to the channel @googlyprize.
Haha this made me smile - my fav is Mate. Just hanging about!
Thank you. Mate is a very good friend. He helps me all the time. I send you your exits.
que buenas imagenes.. quien hiba a pensar que de algo asi..podiamos reir jejejeje
gracias... si hay amigos imaginarios en todos lados.
tremendo vigilante ahora mosca quien llegue jajajaja
jajaja el siempre esta pendiente y silva cada ves que llega alguien para atenderlo
haha.... wow @phderoes! That's one awesome Googly Gang you have there!
Thanks for including all the wider shots in the end, I always like to see where those faces are in the real world!
Thannnnnnnnnnk you! @googlyeyes I really like your contest and week by week I try to make my crazy eyes sian more real