Permitanme presentareles Bam-boo Nariz.Hola amigos de Steemit, esta es mi primera participación en #googlyeyes.

Bam-boo es muy amigable, pero hay una cosa que no le agrada, le disgusta que los enamorados marquen sus iniciales en su cuerpo
Son ideas mias o Bam-boo tiene un ligero parecido a Pinocho?
Los invito a participar en este genial consurso promovido por @googlyeyes
Welcome to #GooglyEyes.
Yeah, what's that all about, everyone scratching their lovebird songs into bamboo-nocchios skin?!
Man returns home and screams out loudly:
Wife comes to the wardrobe and asks:
spamming random jokes with random images is still just spamming
totally irrelevant to the post and you're doing it way too much.
comment spam should be flagged, @steemflagrewards
SFR DiscordSteem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@googlyeyes categorized as comment spam. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!