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RE: Help save Nøgne from a cruel and vicious monster!

in #googlyeyes6 years ago (edited)

if you let them sit with a bit of apple juice for long enough... maybe it turns into cider?!

so, i'm just saying, they seem to be very reliant on their alcoholic beverages, if one of them goes missing, maybe it's just hinding behind the cupboard trying to make cider?!?

nice #nobeertuesday post :D

oh and... don't introduce them to @detlev, he's with the beer-lobby and they'll probably start a beer-glass-lives-matter movement in your kitchen... that stuff gets out of hand quickly :P


if you let them sit with a bit of apple juice for long enough... maybe it turns into cider?!

I know what happens to it. It gathers protein. I have flytraps like that. A little bit of apple juice, vinegar, water and a drop of hand dishwasher in a water glass. Flies from my flowers go die in to it. I have yet not tried to drink the end result, although is really... tempting.

I'd like to see apple-juice-glass-lives-matter movement too. Or at least I'd like to see what an apple juice glass looks like. Think I've never seen one. I've always used a water glass or a beer glass because I don't think I've ever seen anyone selling an apple juice glass.


I don't lift... so I'll pass on that protein drink :P f those gainz.

and O.M.G. ... I've never seen no apple juice glass either. That's definitely proof the ancient aliens abducted them all. Ok, now I'll go hide behind the cupboard. These aliens won't find me there, and who knows, maybe there's cider, I'll have a good time!

I don't lift either and it's been hellish to live my life by this rule.

Shopping is really hard. First I have to hope that the product hits my shopping cart when I push them down from the shelve and hope for them not to break when they fall. Then if my aiming is wrong and they hit the floor and perhaps roll somewhere, I have to drag the items, from toothpaste to cucumber near the shopping cart and ask someone else to lift them to the cart. Usually I just point at my back and let them believe I can't, because the truth about my lifestyle would be too much to handle for them.

And then there's the trouble with other people asking my help to lift something. Like when I come out of the bus and there's a parent waiting for help for someone to lift the baby trolleys to the bus and they perhaps ask and I'm just looking at the other direction acting like I didn't even notice them, and they think I'm just rude.

I wish people could see further. I wish people wouldn't just immediately think that I'm rude because that's not the case. It's my lifestyle we're talking about and it's my choice. I wish people could respect that.

I am really desperate here because I feel the society doesn't understand me.

How has the non-lifting lifestyle worked for you?

Should we establish a non-lifters help group?