Is Wall Street behind Googles crypto ad ban?

in #google7 years ago


After the recent news of Googles decision to ban Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency ads I've started to see many different theories of the reason behind this. Could it be really be 'as part of a clampdown on unregulated financial products.' or is there something deeper behind this.

Obviously most information is kept from the average member of the public as we are expected to just wonder aimlessly around working, paying tax and just get on with it. But for those of us who know there is a much more sinister world of business out there could this be apart of something way bigger, a future agenda? Or is it a stunt to get cryptocurrencies noticed again, to become even more mainstream than before. The more it is reported the more the average person will be asking 'what exactly IS bitcoin?'. For example, many people I know don't have a clue about what it is, how it works and what it can be used for, but now with all this fresh media coverage will people want to know more?

More and more people are starting to wake up and notice something is wrong within our societies, something is wrong with the way the world is run and kept. With this awakening, more and more people will want to move away from a central banking system and go for cryptocurrencies, but was this googles plan all along? Do they have more invested in crypto than they're letting on?

I am obviously no expert in the field of crypto being a complete noob myself but it is interesting to start to question the real motives of these world major companies such as google. Maybe it is exactly what they claim it is- 'as part of a clampdown on unregulated financial products.'...