GOOD NEWS! - Tesla batteries possibly last up to 500.000km/310.690miles soon

in #goodsnews8 years ago

Jeff Dahn, a battery expert who is working at Tesla Motors since 2016 was able to erase another weak point in the NMC cell technology. First performance tests show that the new technology is able to keep full capacity even after 1.200 charging cycles.
Long term data gathered from Tesla Motors show that the "old" batteries offer 90% of the capacity after 300.000+ driven kilometers (186.411 miles).
Now Jeff Dahn and his team accomplished further improvement within their area of research, especially in the high voltage range. Tests showed that after 1.200 charging cycles the new battery had still 95% of it´s capacity, which converts to 480.000 kilometers (298.258 miles) or a lifetime of a car.

Article written by @flurgx for the @gnc

Great news!

that´s what we are here for :)