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RE: Saying Goodbye to Hive 👋🏽🥹

What a wonderful post. I love how you can leave with a grateful heart having been so heavily involved for so long.

I'm almost in the opposite position. I've been away from Hive for a few years and am just beginning to blog again, as I wind down my coaching pratice.

Wishing you all the best with your new adventure. You will be missed here but there is a new crowd of people waiting to appreciate and welcome you.

I'm sure this next phase of your life will be equally as full and enjoyable as the last one.

Good luck with it all! 😍


Thank you for reading 😊. I'm very glad I can leave with a grateful heart. It’s going to be so weird not checking discord and getting on here throughout the week. I know it will feel like an empty space and that something is missing for awhile. I think I’ll be busy enough where I will get through it.

Oh wow look at that. How long have you been coaching if you don’t mind me asking? Are you still going to coach but just only part-time?

Thank you! I will surely miss you all. 🥰

I've been coaching for 26 years. When I started there were only 3 life coaches where I live. Now there are 1000s. There were only 2 training programmes too, both in the States. I've no idea how many there are now. 1000s of those too probably. 😂

I will continue to coach if someone asks but probably just my "get it done fun days" and "just in time" coaching rather than long term clients.

I took down my websites down last year and no longer go to coaching meets or networking etc.

Wow! 26 years?! You are the real deal. I say that because nowadays you see a lot of coaches doing their practice only for monetary reasons (knowing this could be a lucrative business) which could sometimes lead to unethical behavior. We’re dealing with people’s lives which should be taken very seriously and handled with so much care.

There sure is a huge difference in the amount of coaches there are now. I am glad I've been blessed to partner with my sister who is setting me up to have an advantage over coaches in my area (the training and skillset I am acquiring).

Those coaching sessions you’re still doing sound great and enjoyable 😊.

I appreciate you answering my question. I hope your time back here is even more enjoyable than before. Take good care ~