A letter goodbye

in #goodbye8 years ago

Dear Whoever hacked me,

You win. I will not be coming back to YouTube. I will never make a new Facebook or Twitter account. I'm done with the internet. You won.

To all those who support me. I appreciate it, but in times like these, it's easier said than done. I can't just start over, knowing this will happen again and again. That at anytime hackers can just erase all my hard work.

I've been trying to do damage control ever since. I'm missing time at work. I've had to get all new debt cards. I called all the credit unions and informed them. I don't even know where to start with my SSN, they got that also.. . My real-life has been affected by this.

What really scares me is they know where I live, work and 'they' made it clear they know 'about' my gf. So I'm not just worried about my own well being. If I take action, I am worried how they will react. It's not worth it.

If these hackers keep it up, I might just off myself.

This is the last time I'll post online for the foreseeable future. Thank you all for everything. Sorry, I let you all down...

Have a life, Kenn Bosak


You are really just gonna puss out like that? Dude, you could have had better security on your accounts, I am sure of that. I saw you in your videos showing your email account and other stupid things that noobs do. Yes, you are a noob, I am sorry to say this. I like some of your opinions, especially the way you were exposing scams like Control Finance, which is now defunct. There are idiots out there that need people like you exposing these scams. Whatever, the younger generation is just so dumb about online security, and everyone with their social media accounts using their real names, showing their face..... I guess this is a big learning lesson for you, and I understand your frustration, especially in regards to threats made against you and your girl, but to just let these creeps win??? Get a good handgun, learn how to use it (and your girl), get a CCW, and if anyone tries to hurt you or your loved ones you send them to meet Jesus, ok?

Don't talk like that dude. I'm sure if you were in his shoes you'd be feeling like the same way too.

I would never be in his shoes because I have been around the internet long enough to know how it works, unlike people like Ken. I like Ken, he just needs to be smarter which I am sure he has learned by now. Also, I will talk however I want. Sometimes people need tough love.

I'm spending my days on the phone with the FBI and identity theft lawyers... Planning to move, at the advice of both the agent in charge and my lawyer. shits fucked offline for me. Sorry I'm pussing out on you but this has completely fucked my life and my pocket. Thanks for understanding . ..

Understandable you are leaving.. I would do the same.. Your videos where awesome. :-)

Most of us online have a good idea who may have initiated this hack on you. The FBI will have no problem in this case. Looking forward to seeing you back real soon, when your ready, Be strong!

I hope all is well for you, and that you have learned some lessons from this. I wasn't trying to hate on you, I just see a lot of people like you that don't understand the full ramifications of what they are doing online. Peace brother, and glad to see you back. :)

So you're advice is to get a gun and kill them? ........Wow

What the hell are you talking about? The gun is for self defense. He said the hackers were threatening him and his girlfriend.

Keep your head up brother. Consider rebuilding your channel on a decentralized platform such as Dtube. You would have my support for sure and you wont have to worry about this sort of thing as much. Keep your head up stay focused dont let them bring you down.

I need your help to enlarge my steemit account, very great hope you want to help me @thejohalfiles



This comment seems rude bud. @thejohalfiles will consider this a bit rude as well.

I understand man. I thought about doing what you did last year. But I have family and everything. Don't want their face out there. Buy and hold. Simplify your life. ✌️

Thank you for all your hard work kenn.

There is no need to apologise to us as you owe us nothing. You gave us more than most would and we all shall be poorer with you gone.

That being said when things spill over out of the digital realm you have every right to cut and say enough is enough. At this point if you came back i feel it would be for us and not yourself which is not something id like to see.

You take care of yourself and yours. I wish you the best of luck and fortune with getting all your stuff sorted out and fixed.

Thank you for giving me time on your show and all the support you showed myself and others.
Your channel maybe be gone but you shall never be forgotton by those who tuned in everyday for the latest kenn video.

If you ever decide to lurk under a different name drop me a DM. It will stay between us buddy.

Good night Kenn Bosak. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person and tuber.

Be happy, be safe and #Hodl

Your youtube channel was one of my favorites. I hope to hear you on The Bitcoin Podcast. Hook up that MGT Sentinel and don't give up.

Send in the FBI, Fight the pricks.


Do not go, Did you have MGT Sentinel running on your network?
What should I do to help prevent this from happening me? Most say, strong password & change password often...is that it?

It wasn't hooked up. I was shipping it to a college to inspect it. I got it back. It will be set up today!!

powermonkey Gsuite is the answer

Upgrade your gmail to gsuite, (google business account), then you have people to call, 24 hours a day. They can get you back in, and the hackers out of your account. On top of that, you can use your own domain on a gsuite account, thats another backdoor back in to your gmail main account (use one that got a 24h call service). its possible to transfer a youtube channel to another gmail. Gsuite gives you access to an admin console. Redirect all emails to a secret email account only you know, redirect from your domain and google at the same time. Be creative, and don't use a free solution as your main account.

it's always darkest before the dawn...

try not to give up!

Keep your head up Kenn, things will get better.

Kenn, I understand you want to stay off line for a while, but you were making an impact online. You can tell because those suckers went after you. They were afraid of you, because you told the truth. Putting your life back together after identity theft is a heartache, but don't give up. It'll take time, but you can pull through it.

As for your Social Security card, you need to go the nearest SSA office and tell them someone stole it. Contact each of the credit reporting agencies, even fucking Equifax, and tell them to freeze all your credit reports, so no one can use your info to borrow money or apply for credit cards. Read this post about the Equifax hack for advice https://medium.com/@message2america/the-equifax-security-breach-5aa1e3505e13

You're gonna need a lawyer, too. You don't need to hire one right away, but do the research and find someone near you who has dealt with identity theft. You live in Jersey. Shouldn't be hard to find one, with NYC and Philly being nearby.

They're trying to scare you, with those threats. You need to tell the police and the FBI if anyone threatens you or anyone around you with bodily harm. But my guess is, they're chickenshit armchair warriors, who can only attack you with their computers. They're not Jason Bourne.

You got more friends all around the world than enemies. Reach out to us when you need help. And for God's sake, don't off yourself.


What ever you decide to do, stay in touch bro I understand you gotta think safety 1st, it really is not worth taking your life for these maggots!

FUCKING GET BACK ONLINE NOW AND SHOW THEM SCRIPT KIDDIES WHO IS BOSS. your security was lapsed. WHY haven't you got in touch with John McAfee you have one of his sentinel Boxes don't you. fuck the scammer your worth more than that. CRAIG GRANT is the biggest crypto scammer online.
We the people need you back.

I think what needs to be said is said here.
Condolences, look after the keys to your account, cos no-one else will, etc.
Watch and learn.

keep your morale high , i am sure you will get more this time

I'm sorry to say this, but I don't believe you're saying the truth.
I think you're just trying to arouse people's emotions and garner upvotes and comments.
Well, it's just my opinion.

But then if it's not true, pls try account recovery. And also, pls don't give up.
Good things happens to those who don't give up.


That would be some nasty tasting cool-aid!!! yuck!!!

good luck in your future stuff !!!