
in #good-karma7 years ago (edited)

a new tradition happening in my hometown which is about the Inter-wedding using rickshaw paddle that in garnished with a variety of Knick knacks order terlihan unique.
this tradition we did a special to the bride is married to the status of the village (village)





taufik can you kindly tell me how to get good-karma or esteemapp vote i always use these tag and post from esteem app but i can't get single vote why ?

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Waktu d kasih naik postingan, di tag aja good-karma esteem esteemapp, setelah di post minimal harus ada yg vote 7 orang dan setiap postingan jangan krang dari 3 gambar dlm 1 postingan itu aja. Slamat mncoba kwan smoga sukses..😁😁😁