Broncnutz has taken the social media blockchain game to the next level. International social media on a Russian Platform
I'm going to run a little test with my YouTube and accounts to see if they can help aid in my International social media experience.
Hahahahahaha how it feels to be a minnow... Yea.... That feeling for a whale on Steem is arrgggggggg... Lol
Wow! I knew it! I've always known that with the way you talk about Cryptos, you will surely dive into this. Golos... Wow
M sure gonna check that out too. Yaaaayyyy
This is gonna be fun..
Minnow status sucks!'s an everyday grind. Just be consistent and it will all payoff in five years big. 😜
@broncnutz "payoff in five years" very funny
Sure!!!! I've decided to keep on steeming and steeming and steem to the moon. No matter how high or low steem price is, I'll sure keep enjoying it here. Afterall i've been on facebook for long with no pay and I enjoyed it. Lol
Steem all the way...
Look at you the Crypto King, making crypto all over the place! That's awesome cuz! I'll have to take a look at Keep up the great work @broncnutz !
Balllla....shot know how we do it sucka! I'm trying to do more bird hunting and less working somehow.
Not bad video. Do you listen to a lot of hip hop or hang out with rappers? :-)
I love hip hop, rap, country....I like it all. Classic rock is probably my favorite.
You sound like you hang out with rappers, because you talk like them.
That would be coool to have russian subtitles on your video. Your crazy on some of the things your coming up with.
Ready to see your russian gambler video with vodka shots in the air gaps.
Lolol....oh that might be coming for sure!
Never heard about golos will check them out. Thanks for this. How do you find out all these things? I guess you would soon be fluent in Russian language, keep at it.
Your post has inspired me to join it too! :D we can both be triple threats. Steemit, Youtube and golos :D
#minnowlife haha I love it Glad to see yah trying out Golos you'll have to let us all know how it goes on there! Cheers!
You were the one who planted the seed in my head to do this in the first place.
Wow! Hadn't heard of this! Time to brush up on my Russian!
Have you checked out yet? May be another place to drop your videos.
Very amazing idea to do, I am also on golos and I've followed you there, nice to see you here and there at the same time, I am cryptoearner there. I am Algerian but I live in Russia for a long time, my mother and wife are Russian, so I know Russian as well, if you need any help with that language or some coopiration with you there, really nice to see you there. ☺
Hey thank you for following me over there.
I wish I was one of the early adopter in this platform :D
Maybe I would have good deal amount of steemit by now. I will give Golos a try. :)
Do you have a Russia 🇷🇺 friend to translate? Are you going to cash 💰 out to Rubles? WTF bro..... just kidding! I will check out the coin!
I read your goldvoice post too and see you gotta loosen those ruskies up.
удачи. Hopefully the US doesn't ban people from signing up there in this censorship age.
I wouldn't see why they would ban it....Russians are posting on Steemit too.
It's just the way today's political climate is, anything can happen. I meant US people being on a russian based platform...then the gov gives you the stink eye.
Just saw that looks cool you keep sharing amazing things west west :D
How are you today Sir.Broncnutz?.
I'm just hearing about golos though.
You make it sound so fun.
I'm tempted to join🤔.
How is Kelly by the way, I haven't seen her in your recent videos?.
Have A Beautiful weekend.
You should join, I mean you have already done the work here. You might meet some fun people to interact with as well. Kelly is good! She's getting geared up to make some videos herself. She has a couple of really funny ones already ready to post.
I'd do just that.
Lol, I can't wait to see them.
well @broncnutz your doing a superb job by awaring people through videos and its also like the promotion of this wonderful platfrom!
You can get paid for everything, blockchain is going to supress socail media. People are gonna leave social media and will switch to steem because there is easy money
This is exactly why I think Vice Token is gonna be a smash hit token.
I agree with your saying
Ahan! it looks interesting social media Golos, you have an amazing idea to taken blockchain game
Why not do both? It's easier to earn coin over there right now with only .05 golos. Jus sayin.....
I try to open this site but didn't open
Can we change language? when made an account here
Truely you have took it to next level my dear friend,have a great day.
another social media platform, by russians? leverage same work over a few platforms.. sweet... i'm ploughing through steemit... tough tough.. but you're always there to lend a helping hand.. thanks.
if golos is almost identical, it does not really bring value to the market... it actually causes fragmentation. hmmm
The domestic market and the advanced options of the user's wallet are in the process of development and will work after the introduction of HF
Show us how it works too.Wow......that will be great @broncnutz.
It works the same as Steemit! Exact same almost.
Is there a way it can be connected to Steem? Just like Sola is connected to ETH and then to Steem.
M going to search for @broncnutz on golos right away. Lol
I don't think there is any connection whatsoever
Oh... Alright. Checking it out now
Wowww... Its almost exactly the same thing. I'm still trying to translate to English though. It looks blurry kindof
Is the working of this platform and user interface similar to steemit @broncnutz . Did you found this interesting like steem??
It's the exact same thing with the same layout. It actually has some very interesting features that Steemit does not have.
Can we post in english and how to create a new account because i found it a bit tricky??
Thank you for choosing to look at our social network GOLOS!..)))
Another very interesting post, keep it up buddy.
You are champ and will get success in this platform too.
Wow, thanks for this great info. Blockchain is taken over
wow sir @resteem and @upvote done.
The logic of working with blockchain GOLOS is implemented using the library golos-js, this library provides a simple API for building any applications that need to interact with GOLOS
Very elegant way to present you, The truth is in all your words.
It is possible to get many useful examples from your writing. well done and keep it up.
Minor changes in the logic of the client's work tolstoy for better performance
it's really great news sir... 😁
a very wonderful video comrade. I like it very much. friend please help me.
Sound really interesting i must to try it
I prospect golos will be a great social platform. Thanks for informing us.
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Great. Worth trying
People love to work on steemit because it's to earn here as compared to other online networks.
This is amazing sir i will follow in golos.
Its good to take blockchain to the social media... We hope it helps in educating people so that they are attracted towards the platform..
This looks same as steemit,which one is the best to use sir,lot of confusion.
good work, always...we've been "nailing" the markets..and appreciate your support!!
Good and awsome video....
@broncnutz is internationally known and he's been known to rock a gopro cam!
Welcome in Golos! It's nice to see the big brother's interest in Golos. The platform is really these two times were not lucky because of the differences opinions of large investors and founders. However, on 4 April, was adopted hardfork linear reward curve that changes in the top delegates and the split in the positions of the founders. This provides great opportunities in the future, when the pressure on the token rate from the exit of several whales will end.
Yes @fyrstikken tried to convince the founders of the urgent need for HF to grow the platform. However, there was a conflict, which affected the investment attractiveness of the platform. On Steemit was published post pushed many people away from Golos. Now everything is changing for the better. I believe that a clear economic model and an inexpensive token will attract many new users to Golos. This will ensure a constant increase in the cost. The development team is not fully copy code Steemit. They have interesting solutions.
Any steemians, who read this post - Welcome! Many users Golos have account in Steemit. Everything is in comparison.
Thanks Cuz!
Yes looks same like steemit.thanks a lot for sharing sir.have a great day sir.
Let me collude with the Russians!
Yes, you will make it.
Blockchain is the future