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RE: Explanation of a major change to GO economy

in #golemoverlordlast year (edited)

Glad you implemented something to combat the alt farm accounts!

I will be honest and say I also have an extra account so I do gain a few more parts that I can in turn sell but their are oaks out there who have around 20 alt accounts which is really ridiculous.

I feel having two or three are fine but some people just love abusing the system to a breaking point.

Also I don't know if this is the right place to mention this, but please add a way to delete accounts in the accounts tab, I have someone else's account that I logged into and I would like to remove it because it is very annoying to have to miss click it the whole time 😂


It is based on your cookies, they should go away when you clean your cookies.

Ahhhhh okay thats cool thanks!!

20?... put more zeros into it...

You are joking right?

What do thesd guys do the whole day😂 click click click...