It is mostly meant as a bonus thing for airdrops.
That you can use shards is just a bonus for if you really wanna gamble or if there is something really great in there.
It should not be meant as a part sink that is just constantly used by everyone.
There can be great things in there and there were some amazing pulls, but to keep them amazing, there has to be filler in there. And some times its just fillers.
That's why you get a free daily reroll.
I have plans to expand on this tho:
a monthly game pass like thing, where you get fixed rewards for 15/30/50/100 chests opened. Changing each month and visible before, so that you'll know if you wanna do it or not.
a free open each day, like a login bonus thingy
These would be good changes but I still think it would make a good shard gamble sink so increasing the base line rewards wouldn't hurt. I agree, there should be mostly filler but 1 chase item per day would be nice. Even if it's 1 free day of premium account or advisor energy or xp while those have value.