Golem Overlord Stats Update (December 18)

in #golem3 months ago

Golem Overlord Account Growth

This is my weekly update showing my player stats growth since January. The links at the top will take you to the stat pages of the Golem Overlord Wiki. If you are new to the game, these pages explain how each stat works.

My primary stats (Power, Fort, Faith) increased by 31 since my last update. I upgraded my GCS by two again to get another 1% claim bonus. I switched some equipment again to give myself a higher shard claim multiplier but lowered my overall claim percentage. I think this will be a good tradeoff in the long run.

Here is a screenshot of my stats with more details not shown in the table, plus the upgrade costs for each level. I'm now at rank 56.


DateXPPowerFortGCSFaithBonusPart Burn
01/03/247941 (P16)31530040268146%754K
01/10/2416375 (P16)32530442279147%804K
01/17/2426302 (P16)34330443282147%865K
01/24/2413668 (P17)35330746286150%942K
01/31/2422744 (P17)37530746288150%994K
02/07/2422744 (P17)41231246290150%1.1M
02/14/2416058 (P18)43531746292152%1.17M
02/21/2424513 (P18)45631748293153%1.26M
02/28/2432955 (P18)46631850293154%1.34M
03/06/2414691 (P19)49032150295155%1.42M
03/13/2423309 (P19)51732150295155%1.52M
03/20/2431677 (P19)54032150295155%1.61M
03/27/2440128 (P19)56032350301155%1.70M
04/17/2439431 (P20)60232850328156%1.95M
05/01/2426111 (P21)62333450347159%2.10M
05/15/2445590 (P21)63734050372159%2.24M
05/22/2421885 (P22)64234350391158%2.32M
06/05/2446948 (P22)64534850433161%2.47M
06/12/2422197 (P23)64835052441164%2.56M
06/20/2437865 (P23)65035252473166%2.69M
06/26/2449097 (P23)65735252494167%2.77M
07/03/2423635 (P24)66835352510167%2.89M
07/10/2436474 (P24)67935952523167%2.97M
07/17/2450412 (P24)68136952535167%3.05M
07/24/2420935 (P25)68737052546168%3.12M
07/31/2434598 (P25)69337552567168%3.24M
08/07/2447408 (P25)69637752585168%3.34M
08/14/2461532 (P25)70738552600168%3.44M
08/21/2430038 (P26)71038652615169%3.54M
08/28/2442503 (P26)71038952628169%3.62M
09/04/2456929 (P26)71839452633169%3.71M
09/11/2422339 (P27)72439952646173%3.80M
09/18/2435910 (P27)73040152655173%3.89M
09/25/2449976 (P27)73340452672174%4.01M
10/02/2464119 (P27)74040852681174%4.12M
10/09/2425844 (P28)74740852695175%4.22M
10/16/2440630 (P28)75541152705175%4.32M
10/23/2454547 (P28)76241252718175%4.45M
10/30/2467934 (P28)77241352729179%4.53M
11/06/2427966 (P29)77741552746180%4.65M
11/13/2443676 (P29)80740252731180%4.78M
11/20/2459441 (P29)81640952748181%4.92M
11/27/2459441 (P29)82542352762182%5.06M
12/04/2434352 (P30)82743754765184%5.18M
12/11/2450999 (P30)82245456774185%5.31M
12/18/2466378 (P30)82747858776183%5.43M

If you aren't playing Golem Overlord and want to try it, please sign up using my referral link. https://golemoverlord.com/?ref=unitmaster


You claimed a Tier 2 Reward: 300.0x COMP.
It was already added to your ingame Account.

good article greetings😎

Thank you :-)

good advertising and content initiative golem to the moon😁