Lingering Light After Sunset … Chiang Mai, Thailand – GoldenHour Photography

The sun had set, but its “day’s”  work was not yet done. 

[Right-Click Here to Enlarge Photo]

Don’t let the sun go down on me yet

The sun had already dipped well below the horizon, but its rays continued to light up the few clouds that lingered just above the horizon. So, I stayed on the rooftop observation platform a while longer. 

Much of the sky had darkened, and even the clouds floating above me had turned black, providing a stark and beautiful contrast with the yellow clouds in the distance 

Blue sky behind, blue sky ahead

The remaining band of soft blue reminded us that, in fact, the sun never really sets. While night had come to one region of the globe, another half of the globe would always be bathed in warm, nourishing sunlight. 
Location – Chiang Mai, on Google Maps

This is my entry in @juliank’s GoldenHour Photography contest.

Very interesting arguments on the cycle of life. Photos just in the subject of this discourse.

Yes, every day, we have a new cycle. Pretty cool, if we really think about it.

Isn't Nature the most wonderful artist..? and how often are the skies the magnificent canvas of an artist sun that paint each evening its masterpiece for the pleasure of our eyes..? ^_^

Yes, and nature is also a very diverse artist. I live in Thailand now, where I catch many wonderful fiery sunsets.

Recently I was back in Canada, and I noticed that the sunsets are quite different. Instead of blazing flashes, Canada's sunset features large swathes of various pastels stretching across the wide horizon.

I can believe that ! even the sunset in the same place but in different seasons can be so widely different ! ^_^

This is beautiful. It invokes imagery within me. You're in Thailand currently?

By the way, can I use your picture to write a story? I promise to reference it

Please, go ahead and use my photo, as long as you reference it. And when you post it, please send me the link.

Write on!!

Here's the post

It isn't one of my best. So you can understand my hesitation to sharing it

Your goldenhour photography always very impressive.Sunset looks so wonderful.Natural beauty always attracts the peoples.You are so enjoying your traval.Thailand is most wonderful country in the world.Thanks for sharing.

Ya, Thailand's okay.

The scenery is very charming

Nice Photography

You have improved my vocab so much, I am still learning. Will mention you in my post henceforth thanks

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