
Man I tell you this, I wish I had the money to denounce my citizenship here and just find that one last spot with sanity left, its gotta be out there somewhere, you know a country that truly governs and leaves people alone to live

New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Solomon Islands or Uruguay, maybe. Once this whole thing crashes, you'll be happy to be here. I used to think I'd rather be out of the US but I don't think the system is going to hold together too much longer. I'd rather be in my own country at that point.

You are probably right, plus dragging kids and a dog all over creation to just come home later when its over is a bit of energy and money i rather not waste lol. I am getting too old for my wild adventures lol. Okay telling the fiance to unpack the luggage, thank God for wakeupsheeps for waking me up lol. just kidding around, I do see that point, best to hold your ground and man up then run always, running never solves an issue ever

@wakeupsheeps brother if they try to take my Bitcoins though, you know I will end up needing some serious bail money right? lol