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RE: Who Wants to Buy This Town with Me? 5 Reasons why.....

in #gold6 years ago

Lol “you little genius” .... that is the funniest line iv’e heard all morning :).....Those are great ideas! Okay this is mine (excuse the pun)....

My idea would be to:

1.Pay the $925,000 for the town.
2.Immediately sell a 2% NSR (Net Smelter Return) to a precious metals streaming and royalty company (real thing) for $925,000

The property has a known mineral deposit and likely has at minimum lots of tailings (material that has already been mined but has residual metal) and for optionality it rests on a large land package with many exploration targets.
A royalty company would easily pay this amount for the long term optionality the land promises, yet it would take decades to develop so we would have many years a peace to blog and Searching for Gold part 2314124 would make us rich providing:

A free fully paid for home

Cool infrastructure

Cash flow with unlimited future content material

^ Dont steal this idea !




WHY WHY did you let the crazy Ryan Holiday type people sweep this out from underneath your feet?!?!

Where's the heartbroken Mene charm...I need it to reflect my current mood lol

Lol you know what they always say... “There will always be another abandoned silver mine\ghost town to buy!”