Gold by @goldenarms

in #gold7 years ago (edited)

Welcome friends, this post is just to reaffirm the fact that I love gold. I like to hold it, look at it and I've even got to admit I fantasize about it sometimes


There's an allure to gold that I can't explain, it's got powers that have transfixed man since it was first discovered in the ground.

Countless people have risked everything and lost it all in search of the yellow metal. Wars have been fought and entire nations have been destroyed over the element labeled AU with the atomic number 79


When I look at older coins I can't help but think about all the hands they've been through and what stories they could tell if they could talk?


Gold's been money and used in the exchange of goods since the history of man began. It's been revered, metioned and recorded in the oldest religious texts dating back thousands of years, before the 14th century BC infact.

Pharoahs have been buried in it and kings and queens have worn it to showcase their power.


Gold is indestructible. Fire, water and time can't destroy gold, gold is forever. It can be lost but eventually it will be found and guaranteed to preserve its value. There's nothing that's been trusted to give as much worth ever.


Gold is more than just a beautiful metal to be worn and shown off, it's more valuable than just a vehicle to be exchanged for goods, gold powers technology and makes advancement of our entire race possible. Everyday you probably benefit from gold in some form but may not even notice it..


So this post is dedicated to gold, an element produced by a supernova nucleosynthesis, which is the collision of neutron stars that showered the earth with gold dust during the creation of our planet. It's truly incredibly powerful stuff and its might can be felt and appreciated with a simple gaze.


I love gold

Thanks for reading,




Here's @goldenarms screwing around in his gold vault.


I like gold too GA, so if you get tired of any of your old dusty gold you can send it to me.

Yeah that's just me friggin around in my gold vault lol

I think we all love gold but you just took it next level 😀

Yes, I did it! 🙌

Gold fever is an early symptom of full blown Stackitis...

A lot of nice coins there!

I'm gonna have to get me some gold sometime soon. The time-tested store of value right there.

Get you some @bmj!'s addictive

You love gold, and I love this post.

Damn straight man! Au is forever

Damn you a baller now GA ?

Naw I'm still a 2 bit hustler Mike

Excellent. gold life steemsilvergold writing story post..I voted and followed and shared

Thanks for stopping by my friend

Who does all that gold belong too?

I leased it from Donald Trump

It's a good thing I know that cold feeling when you've got gold in your hands.

Very nice. Like you I love the history of the coins, where they were, what they were used for. All that stuff I love to think about also what was it first used for to buy a huge item or for many small items. Anyway thanks for sharing.

Fan friggin tastic! 💗 Very arousing post brother! 🍆

nice collection you've there @goldenarms. wish i could have some too.

Homer,in the "Iliad" and "Odyssey," makes mention of gold as the glory of the immortals and a sign of wealth among ordinary humans.

Gold is ok..... hahaha. Naw, I love it too. It seems you can never have enough!

I love gold too. One day soon I will have my first gold coin :) And yep, can feel the vibes coming off it 💗

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Buying and storing gold can provide a significant hedge against an ever declining value of paper currency. Who doesn't love to to have financial control of government manipulated currency? Gold provides financial freedom in times of economic uncertainty.