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RE: $8900 Gold and $600 Silver Reset article

in #gold8 years ago

Great interview! the price points of Gold and Silver are not going to happen without catastrophic events tho. When I say catastrophic, I don't mean simple civil war, or a new war with some country other than the Middle East... I am talking millions will die in the US. It would take a crisis that makes '08 look like a thunderstorm in the middle of someones picnic. I would NEVER want to see gold and silver get that high, as the consequences to reach those price points would be horrific.

With the technology we have and the complacency/unpreparedness of citizens... I don't know that the global population as we know it would fair well. hardly anyone is self sufficient without some form of electronic device. Just imagine the withdrawals of no internet, pain management, electricity, treated water systems, etc. I don't believe many ppl really understand what it would be like.

I make sure to take my fam out for just a week with nothing, and it's trying. the arguing, bickering, "why are we doing this?" Just imagine, no contact with ANYONE other than your circle, unless there is a network/militia/ group that musters in a centralized location... Now imagine, someone is alone and ill prepared...

I don't ever wanna see price points that high.

