in #godwine7 years ago

Shoot me to death
Kill me dear comrade
Watch me give out the last breathe
Let me die of a familiar blade
But lend me some questions for the man on the throne

Have we like Egypt, made Israel striver
So he should send MOSES the headsman to Pharaoh
To turn red our Benue River
And drive the arrow of sorrow down our marrow
Headsmen slaughtering heads of men

Brother Fulani
So because my name is Ani
You now call me FOOL-ANI
Changing the path of a city’s destiny
Making little Benue trend like Afgani

‘Asala Maleku’ you said ‘Peace be unto you’
Together we drank from the same brew
Upon my green pastures your deserted soul grazed
But for my very soul you craved
Now the python isn’t dancing One-Corner
For the headsmen look like our head menindex BEN.jpeg


index BENU.jpeg

index BENUE.jpeg#Peter_Benjamin_Peter_Award #BenPets_Diary_Short_Story_Prize