My Experience Playing GodsUnchained Game

in #godsunchained10 months ago (edited)

Hello Guys, how are are you now? Hope you in good condition so we can talk and play the game together.

Today, i would like to share my experience playing GodUnchained Game. If you don't know what game it is, i will tell you that GodsUnchained is a Blockchain Game based on TCG (Trading Card Game) rule play.

I have played GodsUnchained game more than a year, in my opinion it's interesting game because i do like playing card game. When we playing card game on blockchain we need NFT, but dont worry if you have no much money to buy GodsUnchained's NFT game. GodsUnchained is Free to Play, i have played without spending money. What you need is skill and time to play it. If you win you get a "Gods" token, some card packs and other interesting prizes, so we can change that token to buy some stroger card or open packs to get new card collection.

Here is the appearance GodsUnchained Dashboard

There are six modes to play: Sealed, Casual, Weekend Ranked, Direct Challenge, Solo, Tutorial.
Sealed: Play for prizes using decks built from a rotating selection of cards;
Casual: Spar against other mortals without worrying about your rank being down.
Weekend Ranked: Rise the rans, unclock rewards especially Gods token and earn flux for card crafting.
Direct Challenge: Challenge another mortal to friendly duel by entering a code.
Solo: Testing skill and decks against the computer.
Tutorial: Learning for beginner.

In 2024 we can playing in our smartphone, so enjoy to play everywhere and everytime.

Gods token price is now at $0.23.

Above picture is my earning for a week playing Ranked GodsUnchained. GodsUnchained is fun, so i like that game. And how 'bout you? Are you interested to join plsaing together?


Buenas @holykikyo que tan complicado es el juego , no soy muy fanatico de los TCG , pero quiero saber tu historia con ese titulo.