Gods On Chain Curation Report #12
Welcome to the 12th issue of Gods On Chain Curation Report!
Hello everyone! This is the 12th compilation post of Gods On Chain Curation initiative.
This is our newest curation effort that aims to curate posts that are shared on Gods On Chain Community. These post highlighted are the finest content that our Gods On Chain Curators submit for the curation. We also encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great God on Chainers your support and encouragement. Engagement is what makes the community thrive, so we hope that you are taking a time to visit each other post.
Author: @legalizabrazil
Curator: @kstreet
Our community continues to grow! An introduction from legalizabrazil

[GodsUnchained]The Nature Way Deck Comp... Am i a Nature NPC ?
When i realized that i am building up and buying only Nature cards, i started to wonder if Gods Unchained is a metaverse, am i a Nature NPC? You know like those on pokemon who always walks on the forest, closer to a waterfall in the jungle and for sure the with the grass pokemons. haha i think im closer to that.
Author: @polessins
Curator: @entrepidus
polessins tries out @copperpitch 's ramp magic. It goes pretty well.

Copperpitch "F2P" Ram Mage is way to cool !!
But well, i was looking around for a cheap mage deck to build and i end up reading @copperpitch last post about the f2p ramp mage deck. I had no idea what is was about, but after watching the video i really liked the idea, so i went for it !
Author: @chaosmagic23
Curator: @kstreet
Some excellent tools related to market prices.

Gods Unchained - Tools for serious player and trader
If you want to go deeper into card trading and wants to know what cards are the most played, you are going to love CardsUnchained. With a few filters to unlist the common and welcome cards you get the valuable information you want. You can also just filter for Genesis or Trial cards.
Author: @admiralsp
Curator: @kstreet
An excellent write up of you should be playing Gods Unchained right now, and why you should be excited or the future.

Gods Unchained - Past, Present and Future
As we all know Gods Unchained is a free-to-play trading card game.
The game is built using Ethereum technology and it provide players the means to earn. The $GODS token is core currency of Gods Unchained, with which players can earn and sell Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Author: @wispsi
Curator: @kstreet
Wispsi outlines his nature deck. He took my advice and swapped in Faeflame Blades. Love to see it.

Nature Calls!
It is a midrange deck with a big focus on pumping out a lot of stats. The plan is simple, play as many stats as possible with a decent amount of removal options to cover the confused misses/awkward enemies. I first tried it a little greedier, with some extra 6/7 drops but had a lot more success when I cut them for the Low-hanging Fruit for a more explosive early game to put them behind before overwhelming them with big creatures. A turn 4 moose is really hard for a lot of people to answer cleanly.
Author: @theking24
Curator: @squirrelacus
A spell heavy deck that packs a punch.

Spell Damage playstyle deck testing!
After testing another playstyle that I covered in one of my previous posts, the spell damage magic playstyle, I will be showing the results after 25 matches of the best I was able to come up with using my cards!
Author: @snatchmasterxl
Curator: @kstreet
The nature tools snatchmsaterxl used to reach Mythic with a buff-centric deck.

How I went from f2p - Mythic* with this Nature Deck
Anyways, I did some research and decided that if I wanted to be invested into this game long term - it would make sense to be holding some of the cards as well as some of the tokens (plus... its rumored that you'll want your deck to be at least meteorite soon) - so I hit the shop.
Author: @kephler
Curator: @squirrelacus
An excellent guide on what to do with those little blue things you get after each match.

What Are Stars Used for, and How Best To Use Them?
If you're new to Gods Unchained, Stars is an in-game currency that is currently used to buy cards from the Star Store. In your game client or on the Gods Unchained homepage, you can see the number of stars that you currently have.
Author: @meltysquid
Curator: @squirrelacus
An in-depth breakdown of the decks used by the top nature players. A must read.

Gods Unchained Top Players Nature Deck Analysis
For @jungleboy1 #natureunchained competition, I'm going to analyze my weekend ranked and other top player's nature decks.
Author: @admiralsp
Curator: @squirrelacus
Stars have been on the brain this week in the GU community. admiralsp gives us his take on them.

The Vials - Stars
Stars are some of the rewards we get from playing gods unchained, and I've been doing some research on what that is which I will be sharing with you. But first we have to understand what they are, so let's dive in.
We hope you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from these posts. We also strive to highlight the best gods unchained post. We look forward to highlighting even more of you.
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OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!
@ocdb supports community curation!
Congratulations to all who have made the twelfth edition of the Gods On Chain curation compilation. You were chosen for the fact that you delivered high quality content that brought value to this community. Please continue to do so. It is the way that this community will stand out on Hive. And be recognized as the community with the highest quality gaming content. If you were not chosen do not worry you may be on compilation thirteen. And if not please look at the posts that you see getting a lot of attention in the community. Notice the formatting as well as how they include great photos, writing, and in some cases video. Thank everyone for their continued work and efforts to grow Gods On Chain, and also Gods Unchained the game itself.
Thanks to the curators who keep doing the good work, you guys are the MVPs.
Thank you, I am not sure people realize how much time goes into all of this. It is a lot of work. Especially since we are trying to play our games and make our own content as well lol.
Yeah I feel ya, it's definitely a lot of work especially when you're also trying to actively grow and engage the community. Just want y'all to know that whatever work y'all put in is appreciated 😁
Great content here of some authors I already know and some I don't. Time to check the unknown Gods and their content out to unchain them. Uhm, I went a bit over the top here. 😉
I feel homered to be with them in this issue. Thanks for the motivation here and on discord.
Curators, keep the good work up.
Thanks so much guys.
Thanks for all members and curators of the amazing work! To more growth and success <3
Honored to be included in a list with such great pieces - the tools, the decks, the stars!