All of the abilities listed here are a perfect adaptation to objective goals. The moral who guides the actions of the personality is in accordance with the requirements of society. If the accepted moral concept changes, then the subjective line that is leading - too, without altering the psychological traits of character. The extra-faith seeks to meet objective opportunities by dealing with things that offer future prospects. He tries to do what the environment requires him and refrains from initiative. On the other hand, the normal development of extra-religious orientation also depends on whether the individual respects his / her subjective needs. As has been said except for extraversion, Jung also speaks of introversion and believes that these two attitudes coexist in man, but it happens that one dominant / predisposition, conjunctions of circumstances, etc.
As a result, he describes four types of extravertality, and they are:
- an extraterrestrial thinker - turned to the outer, specific world, also able to think abstractly. He prefers the facts to theories, he may be "dangerous" if he is dealing with things requiring flexibility - then it may be unfair - here are judges, strict moralists lacking a sense of understanding;
- extra-emotional - very sociable, facing the outside world, but dominating the feeling. It is easily influenced by the tendency to judge things according to feelings. These people, for example, "feel good" because the weather is nice, they are saddened if it rains, etc. ;
- extra sensory / rational / - have an absolute sense of reality, objectivity, see only the concrete - good wine, facts, etc. , is constantly looking for new sensations like experience. It easily passes from one experience to another, it also gains some experience. Most ordinary people fall into this category;
- extravagant intuitive - "feels intuitive", many women are part of this group. These people do everything they can to succeed (and so unconsciously).
They judge at first glance the things, the man against himself and others. This type of people "smells" the social environment that suits them, the clothes they wear and so on. Such a man can succeed as a trader, in politics, exchange, etc. The simplest definition that can be given to the notion of introversion is to direct the interest within yourself. The introverted subject tends not to be interested in the outside world that surrounds it, but to enjoy the inner world. The introverted type is governed by subjective factors. It sets the subjective views between the perception of the object and its effect, preventing it from accepting a character corresponding to an objective situation.
The decisive determinants that the intruder chooses are the subjective ones. It is guided by perceptual and knowledge factors that represent a perceived subjective disposition to sensory stimuli. When the subject requires a distinction from the object, the introvert is active, and if he can not turn back to it, it is passive. The differences between the introvert and extravertebral type apart from the subjective factor and the organic perception also consist in the type and degree of mental assimilation of the perceived image, the introvert only trusts the impression the subject creates in the subject. jung emphasizes that the introverted attitude is governed by a psychological structure determined theoretically by the heredity. For the subject, it is always a constantly subjective factor. Here Jung is referring to the overall personality. As has been said, Jung speaks only about introversion and extravagance in man, but it happens that one dominates.
Well, I think I'm in the group between "extra sensory" and as a woman hahaha with a bit of "extravagant intuitive" as they say, women have a sixth sense, we do not need to see something to know the truth of things .
Nice post sir resteem