Is this the life you want?

in #god7 years ago

Richard Muller

Yes. I have been blessed by God. I lived with Rosemary in a big brown house, and we've been married for fifty years (not living before we married). We live upstairs with our daughter Elizabeth Muller, her husband Rahal and my two grandchildren. He lives upstairs in my wife's father, who is 97 years old this year. Every day he looks at his great-grandchildren. Our family four generations.

Every Saturday night until Sunday afternoon, we take care of grandchildren. How many grandparents can do this? Every Saturday morning, we often take our grandchildren to the zoo, the Cobo Pavilion in San Francisco, or go to the local playground to watch them ride their bicycles.

I will have dinner with Rosemary four nights a week and I will be responsible for the family dinner on sunday. Rosemary cooks for three nights a week and she prepares a special breakfast on weekends. This morning we ate Strawberry Shortbread!

Downstairs, there is our Berkeley Earth office (a non-profit) and the Deep Isolation office (we hope one day it will be profitable). My daughter is the president of both companies and I am the company's chief technology officer. She complained that she was twice as likely to commute to work (she was going two floors and I only needed to go one floor).

Life is not easy, but it's not always the case. I feel like I have been blessed by God and this is the life I want.

Daniel Ahn

My parents sat watching TV all day at home. They were covered in a blue blanket and were tightly attached with a small heater in front of them. They are watching a Korean comedy. Father's snack basket on his left hand side, there are Doritos and Qiduo. The mother ate the shell of the egg sandwich on the remaining eggs on Sunday. She hates losing food. When I separate the egg white from the egg yolk, she leaves me with the egg yolks and waits for her to eat later.

They do not have many friends, they do not need too many friends. They will laugh at each other's joke. My dad still looks over when my mother nags his father saying he did not pick up the socks. They will kiss each other after a long day of work. Whenever their son returns home (they have three sons), they really like to cook for them. Many times, they sit awkwardly in front of their son and watch them eat. Just because it will make them feel happy.

For a long time, I can not understand this. I wonder, do not they want a colorful life?

Look at Elon Musk, who is changing the world through space exploration and alternative energy. Look at Uber and WhatsApp. They are changing the world through technology.

Look at my friends on the INS, their parents really like socializing. They seem to be happy together. Large party with many friends. Is not it cool? Is that important? Do not they want to be one of them?

I will want to join. I'm pretty sure my parents want to join as well.

But they are also very satisfied with their own life. She likes to cut the crust of the sandwich, and she likes to eat the crust for four days, so she does not have to throw away the food. My dad likes to eat Dorothy and he's a bit overweight, even though he knows he should eat healthier. Sometimes I think they too comfortable living, you should want a richer life.

But then I no longer think so. What qualifications do I have to say that they should want what kind of life? They are satisfied with their present life and I am learning to be satisfied with my life.

I live with my parents and they will give me baked banana bread and will ask me what I want to buy from the supermarket. I do not want to bring those nightclub girls who wear miniskirts home and I like the mother's banana bread. Sometimes I like to squeeze in the middle of parents, watching Korean comedy together. I want six packs of abs, but I will also have my father hand it to me.

Sometimes I want to live in a luxury apartment in New York, or want to have a lot of quora fans. This seems to be a good life.

But my life is also very good now.