Who is God
Creator God: The genesis book describe about God and his activities. We have learned about revel of God in various ways in different character in the earth and heaven. We see him as a creator. In the beginning he creates the earth and heaven. Also he creates all things in the world in six day (Gen 1:1-3) Blessing God: we have learned from the Genesis our God id is blessing God. When God create his creation in six day after in seven day he takes rest in seven day. Then God bless the Sabbath day (Gen: 2:2).God bless the Abraham God promise to Abraham .he will be blessing Abram he has makes him the father of great nation,(Gen:12:1-3 )also I have made you a father of many nation, you will be blessing through Abraham and the nation will be a powerful nation (Gen-18:18)God also bless Isaac because God promise the Abraham that his descendants will be live the sand and stare in the sky for this to put his promise he bless the Isaac(26:3-8)according the promise of God he has god lot of wealth from the abemalek Isaac planted crops in the land and same year reaped a hundredfoldbecause the lord blessed him.(Gen 26:12) God has told the Isaac I will be with you and bless you to fulfill his promise. Trinity God: our God is trinity God. Which reveal to us through Genesis? God make mankind in our Image in our likeness (1; 27) there the presence of God. Holy Spirit and Jesus. When the people fall in to sin, when man ate forbidden fruit. Then God say and God said the man has now become like one of us....so we have heard from this verse about trinity God. The people have decided to build up the tower of babel.The said each other they said come let’s build ourselves a city with tower and reaches to the heaven so that we may make a name for yourself....(11:4)but when the God come down to see the tower the talk same language and they began to build the tower then God say come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other(11:7).also we they’re our God is trinity God because their say let us he revels to us as a trinity.
Relational God: Our God is relational God. Our God want to make a good relation with nation. We have learned from genesis God create mankind. At first he creates day and night. Also make a good relation between day and night.(Gen:1:17).God put good relation with of his all creator. Like mankind we know that when he creates the man from dust and he create woman from ribs of Adam. he has kept good relation with them. always he was with human being.(2:7).also we know that when he create man or Adam he notice is not good remain along to man .so he create a women from a ribs of Adam. He keeps a good relation among them. Also he like to walk with them and work in the garden. So there is a good relation with them. Also God expect to us so that a good relationship among us. So God says that man leaves his father and mother and united to his wife and they become a one flesh.(2:24).our God is relational God.
Powerful God: our God is powerful God. Abraham sends his senior servant to his own relative in his country, to get a wife for his son. When the servant reach the country .the servant can understand the God of Abraham is faithful and powerful. Because when he ask the Labon and buthuel about rebekah.labon and Buthuel answered this is from the lord we can say nothing to you one way or other.(24:50).also Jacob work to labon. But labon wanted to deceive with Jacob .then God always help the Jacob. Jacob says to his wife that I see that your father’s attitude toward me is not what it was before ,but the God my father has been with me so Jacob wanted to told that God has the power he protect us. also we see that Jacob told that yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times However God has not allowed his to harm me.(31:7).God show his powers to Jacob. Nothing is impossible for God because he is powerful. When Labon want to harm Jacob .labon perused Jacob and he try to catch him. But God come to labon in dreams at night. God says labon be careful don’t says anything to Jacob…because God has power.(31:22-24).God always protect us from our enmity . All knowing God: our God is really God and all knowing God. God know all things in human. When coin kill his brother God has known about the killing. God ask coin where is your brother?(4:8). Sarah mistreated with Hagar then she fled from her .she was suffering and God notice the sorrow of Hagar. God bless her. She gave this name to the lord who spoke to her ‘you are the God who sees me ‘for she said have now seen the one who sees me.(16:13).so God appear what we think. What we say and what we do. All things are much known to him. God saw all that he had made and it was very good!.....for I have chosen him so that he will direct his children…(1:32.18:19)God know all thing about happiness, sorrow good time bad time all the moment in our daily life.
Judge God: some time God judge the people. so we say him as a judges God. God know about the sins of Sodom. God notice that the sins of Sodom gradually increasing day by day. This sin was unbearable to God. so he decided that he will destroy the Sodom. Thus he overthrew those cities and he entire plain destroying all this living in the cities and also the vegetation in the land.(19:25)we can know about judge like I will punish the nation they serve as slaves and afterword they will come out with the great possession. so our God is judge God. Provide God.
Angry God: our God want our obedience .so that we should obey him. but if we disobey him although forgive us .some time he punish us for increasing our faith. When our sin top then he destroys us, God destroy the people of Babel by flood. He destroys the Sodom for their sin. So as love us but we should conscious about our sin as our God is holy. We should ensure our holiness.
Provider God: Our God is provider God he provide us .we have know Adam was along God is not to live along for man. so God provide Adam a company. so that they can live together. When Adam and eve disobey the command of God through ate forbidden fruit they have got idea about naked. They have wear the leaf of tree but God have made cloth for them. Also we have known from Abraham life when he has gone to offering for God .he has provided a ram. So that he can offer it. so Abraham called that place the lord will provide. And to this day it is said on the mountain of the lord it will be provided.(22:14)when Ishmael was crying for water Hagar fled him because he cannot see the died of his son. Also God provide him water.
Forgive God: forgive is a great virtue in a man life. Our God is noble God. He forgives us he also expects forgiveness like we have from Joseph .although his brothers wrong behave with him. he forgive them this is what you are to say to Josef I ask you to forgive your brother’s the sins and the wrong they committed in treating you so badly. Please forgive the sin of your servant of the of your father when their massage come to him Joseph wept.
Worker God: our God worker God. We have learned from his genesis he walk and work in the Eden garden with the Adam and eve. He also makes a cloth for Adam and eve. We can say our God like to work.
Hearing God: Our God hear all things. like Sarah has brought me laughter and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.(21:6).God heard the crying and the angel of God call to Hagar from heaven said to her what is the matter Hagar ? Do not be afraid God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.(21:17).so our God hear the word of ours heart. so he know all things what he say what we thinks with ours mind.
Careful God: God care us we have learned from the coin life although he kills his brother God forgive him and care him so that nobody kills him. God give him a sign. He protects him. So our God is miracle God. So we should obey him for his kindness.