God Is The Point Of This Life
This last year has without a doubt been one of the most transformational years of my life. I've really taken a step back from the internet world compared to what I used to, posting everyday, having an audience of almost 30 thousand that I had to keep up with on instagram to deleting everything and starting fresh and turning my life around for Jesus.
It's been one of the hardest things I've had to do, is fully lay down my life for the one who died for me, and still I'm learning everyday how to do that. I realized it's not about how many followers or likes you have, but what you are doing in your community to be of service and sharing the word of God. (Something I also still am embodying, and am asking God to give me more clarity on)
I love the internet, my laptop, my phone, so much so that it is an addiction that I didn't quite notice until I took a step back from it all. My boyfriend actually helped me a lot with this without him knowing, because he doesn't post much on social media at all, which at first I thought was weird and I started thinking, "Well how am I going to create a Christian business with him, if he doesn't like posting on social media." What a limiting belief that is lol, because He does his service to God through His loving interactions without internet. But God is truly showing me that everything I did before, he wants me to do a different way. And my desires say "No, I want to do it this way." and then I get in God's way and it all shatters because I take the lead instead of letting Him.
Gods way is perfect and it's very different than the desires of your heart, but it will be way more fulfilling than the desires you thought you wanted. It has been one of the greatest treasures to know Him and ask God how I can serve him, instead of waking up everyday wondering "what my audience wants from me." It's not about giving your audience what they want, although many sales people will say that. It's about sharing Gods Word no matter how many people are going to shun you for it.
I've been hearing God's call to write more again openly, but I've been pushing the breaks because it's scary to speak so direct about The Lord, when a lot of your audience is New Age and doesn't believe, but thats the point. I gotta lay down my life for you and have no fear, because the precious gift you gave me is worth any of the hate the world could ever give me and the world needs you more than ever right now. <3
www.Facebook.com/BrieMarieAdkinsInstagram - @BrieMarieAdkins