My Short and Long Term Goals on Steemit. What Are Yours?

in #goals8 years ago (edited)


I ask this of myself quite often. "What are your goals with Steemit?" The answer isn't just "make money." This is a community, and we are all here to make money, I suppose, but that's not my main goal. I love Steemit because it's on the blockchain, it's much freer than YouTube or Facebook, and the community seems to be even better than both of those. We do have trolls here, but that's what downvoting is for!

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Here are some of my short-term goals on Steemit:

Goal #1:level 60 as my reputation score before we go back to school (we're teachers). That's August 10th. That means I have a month to do it. I'm currently at a level 55.648. Now, recently I've learned that the only way for your reputation score to go up is for people with higher levels than you to upvote your posts (please correct me if I'm wrong). I always thought it was just using Steemit; commenting, posting, upvoting, etc. Anyway, I think this is a very achievable short-term goal for me. People with higher rep scores are taken more seriously here, it's just a fact. I often think of the level 70s and above as wise men (or women). I told my buddy @hansenator that I was going to aim for a

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I'm just using @alex1983ch's profile image here to show that's he's at level 60. Go Alex! Here's some free publicity haha

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Goal #2: 1,500 followers - Ok, I've got a while to go for this one, but again, it's attainable. I hope I have 1,500 followers within 3 months. I also hope that as a parallel to that, many more people join Steemit. The numbers are rising. Now, the site I used to show how many working accounts there are on Steemit unfortunately says "Down For Maintenance" and it's been that way for a while. Same with Eh, not that big of a deal.

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Now for the longer-term goals

Goal #1: Generate enough SBDs by posting 50%/50% that I don't need to buy SBDs to pay randowhale anymore. This one kind of makes me laugh a little. But I'm serious. I buy about $10-20 worth of SBDs every day, (first buy ETH from Coinbase, transfer to my Exodus wallet, then use blocktrades to trade for SBDs).

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Tomorrow starts the day where I began to do 50/50 posts again so I should be getting a generous amount of SBDs beginning tomorrow. If you don't know about Randowhale (not Randomwhale: fake account that was caught stealing SBDs) he's a bot who accepts 2 SBDs or 2 Steem in exchange for an upvote between 1-5% (used to be up to 50% before HF19). Now there has been some controversy lately with Randowhale, as some people seem to think he's the same person that had the @berniesanders account. I frankly don't know, nor do I care. That would shock me, because one was a troll and another helps people out pretty nicely. The other bit of controversy is that you're paying someone for a vote. I'm an anarcho-capitalist, so I have nothing against this. I'm paying someone for a service. That's it.

Goal #2 - Make enough money to survive off of Steemit, Youtube, and my rent money from my house up North. That would be so cool, because I could focus on the things I love most: planting food and posting to Steemit. I would also have a lot more time to play with my dogs and hang out with my wife. I see this as a 10-year goal, perhaps. Once I pay off my car, truck, and house, all I have left is to pay for food for us to live!

Goal #3 - Buy silver and gold with steem - This one will probably come when I reach a certain point where I don't care much more about holding more steem (don't know if this will ever happen) but I'd like to move small portions (maybe one week of powering down) into physical silver and/or gold. Silver and gold are true wealth and have been money throughout the world for thousands of years! Everyone knows gold is valuable. Doesn't matter which country you go to, people will want to buy it.**


So, Steemians, I ask you, What are your goals on Steemit? Short-term, long-term, medium-term, whatever-term. Do you even have goals on Steemit or are you kind of winging it? Nothing wrong with that if you are, but let me know!

Thanks for stopping by, Steemians!


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I'm aiming for something a bit more modest: 2000SP from posting/curating alone before the end of the year. I know the rep score is critical, but I can't do much about that other than what I'm doing. All I can do is keep the work going, and make my incremental progress. I'd like to have ten posts in a row make more than $1 before the end of summer. I'd also like to have ten posts in a row make more than $3, and have one post hit $100, before the end of the year.

Very nice, attainable, modest goals. The $100 post I just hit like two days ago. Believe me, that one feels great! I like what you said about incremental progress; that's all we really can do, just take it one day at a time. I wish you the best man! Will be following you a little more closely :)

I like your goals as well--that rep score one is going to be tough, though. I'm seeing rep increases of about .05 a day, so it takes 20 days to pick up one point. I suspect it gets harder the higher you go, as well. It's important, though. Rep score doesn't mean much by itself, but it's critical for picking up follower count, which is where the $ are.

Exactly. If you have SBD, use randowhale, you'll be surprised at how fast your rep score goes up if you do.

Hmmm. I hadn't thought of using randowhale for that. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

I just find interesting things while I'm at work to comment on and occasionally post something I'm working on or about places I've traveled. I love to travel and read about others' travel experiences and I have a bit of slow time at work so this certainly helps pass the time in a productive way. Other than that, whatever happens, happens!

I like your mellow outlook on it! That's the important thing: productivity! I would hate to think in some parallel universe I'm just sitting there watching cat videos or something lol

Good stuff! It's nice to have goals!

Great stuff man, I love your content! Almost everything you put up is motivation for my long-term steemit goal which is to post anything I can BUT it must be something I've actually put effort and thought into. I do this in hopes of achieving 200 followers that actually like me for me! :D

That's a great goal and thank you for your kind words!

My goals are to not get kicked off for being so dam sexy. That's it

Nice! You should be ok then! HA!

click here!This post received a 2.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vegansilverstack! For more information,