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RE: Should I learn to code...?

in #goalslast year

I have been successfully doing it for over a year now making various projects that I have wanted to build for a very long time and wow it is an awesome feeling seeing the ideas come to life.

It has also changed something for the better in how I think about all kinds of things. Really hard to word it out but it has been helpful in many ways.


Yeah absolutely. I can see all sorts of cool things that I could do with knowing how to code because I have a ton of great ideas anyway all the time and everybody's always needing help.

So let's see how it all works out!

A lot of people use VScode (Visual Studio Code) but I am super old school and do everything in a text editor. Just find which tools work for you and stick with them!

Friend of mine that I really respect actually had a computer folder of code that he had stashed away. Bits and pieces of cool stuff that he found useful. I always thought that it was really smart of him to do that!

That is surely a good approach. Searching GitHub and GitLab for how folks achieve things is good also. Knowing Linux helped me a lot but really is not necessary these days.

Yeah I used to be computer literate and now I do everything through my phone so I'm also looking at having to get a little laptop.

And then Linux is definitely another thing I got to get apart of.

Sigh... So much stuff to learn. And get.

It is so worth it! Probably the best hobby that I ever took up.

I cannot disagree thank you very much I really appreciate it and let's definitely hook up!

I'm definitely trying to get a lot of help going for this free compliments community. It's actually having some pretty dramatic and immediate impacts.