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RE: Proposal for Extending Airdrop Rewards for Staking GMLSPA Packs

in #glxproposal2 years ago

Is the staking feature change an incentive to get users to BUY packs? If so i'd want to see data on how the last run did to encourage pack buying? Or just so the governance tokens are properly distributed among stake holders like pack buyers ... i think because the game is not out and may take until JUNE that it's perhaps understandably long time and makes me worried about over centralization of the token among the relatively few pack holders... unless of course you're seeing new users coming in getting packs.

I'm very much willing to change by vote but for now I'm gonna vote NO until i have data or a good counter argument. I really am on the fence and could see myself easily changing my vote I'll think through it some more but support the NO for time being.

And yes I am a top holder of packs so NO vote does not benefit me except that I'd like to see more distribution of tokens happen AFTER the game has a successful launch.


Hey! tnx for sharing your reasoning here and to me it makes sense what you say.

My reasoning why I will be voting yes has to do with the question: how do we achieve a succesful season 1?

I do believe that the sales numbers will have to increase in order to have a succesful game. if the game would sell all packs we would have 42.5M bcx in season 1 (from which 2.125M GF) This leaves us with 40.375M BCX for season 1. Assuming SPL BCX calculations apply I would expect an average of 201 BCX to max a card. There are 577 player cards – meaning: 40.375M (Total BCX) / 577 (player cards) / 201 (Average BCX to max) =348 maxed cards for each player card

With +/- 300K packs sold (and one player holding 60K) we get into a situation where the competitiveness (and thus the chance of it being succesful) becoming a question. With 1500000 BCX we will see 1 (to +/- 20) player(s) being able to get such a dominant position in the game (for the number 1 pack holder - even if he splits his packs over 3 accounts he will still outrank the number 2 by far). Is this going to be sustainable or will this player be able to secure this position for the upcoming seasons aswell (possible with multiple accounts).

From this reasoning more packs need to be sold in order to give the game a competitive start. Because you can only start once, it has to be a strong start – so I personally have no objections to allocating more resources to make this happen.

This proposal does not only reward the early investors – it encourages them, as well as any other player to buy more. Which would benefit all stakeholders (in both the long as the short run). Since the packs currently require GLGT the investors that will not buy packs will also benefit as the demand for their staking reward token will increase (and thus the value). Michiel

Buen análisis !PIZZA