The importance of focusing on life

in #glory8 years ago


The Presence of God

Dear Jesus, today specially I need you.
Mostly I ask of you a service.
Today I just want to be with you.
My heart responds to your love.


It is easy to fall into the trap of this worldly wealth.
Give me grace, O Lord, that I may be free of greed and selfishness.
I remind you that the best things in life are free - free.
Love, smile, caring and joining.


In the presence of God who loves me
I look at all the things that have happened to me last day,
From this moment in retrospect, step by step.
I remember all the events that were good and beautiful, and for this I thank.
I also notice the shadows, the mistakes and ask what they tell me; Lust for healing, courage, forgiveness.

The word

Lord, you have become a man so that you may talk to me;
You walked and worked on this earth; You have endured the heat and the cold.
You spent time in the earth caring for people.
Thou hast healed the sick; thou hast raised the dead; And most importantly - you saved me from death.

Mt 14: 22-36

22 Then Jesus instantly commanded the disciples to go into the boat and pass before him to the other side until he delivered the people. Jesus, when he began the people, went up to the mountain only to pray. It was night and he was still there alone.
24 The barge, which had long been far from the earth, ran by the waves, because the wind was blowing against it. 25 In the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. 26 When the disciples saw him walking over the sea, they were afraid and said, "Something is moving us!" And they cried out of fear. 27 But immediately Jesus said to them,
"Do not be afraid, I'm afraid!"
28 Peter answered,
"Sir, if you are, tell me to come over to you!"
29 "Come!" He said.
Then Peter came down from the boat and went through the water to go to Jesus. 30 And when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid, and began to perish in the water, and cried,
"Save me, O Lord!"
31 Jesus stretched out his hand and seized him, and said to him,
"Fepakët! Why did you doubt! "
32 When they entered the boat, the wind ceased. 33 And they that were in the ship bowed with honor before him, and said,
"You are truly the Son of God!"
After they had crossed the sea, they were caught on the shore of the Gennesite. 35 And when the people of the land knew it, they made known the whole province, and brought unto him all that were sick. 36 They prayed to let them touch only the kind of his pet. Those who touched her were healed.

What do you want me to say, sir?

Some thoughts on the part of today's reading of the Scriptures:

Jesus did not immediately come to rescue the students who were fighting. In fact, they let them fight throughout the night. And we have a similar experience: our faith reaches sometimes to the point that we think it will be broken.
Peter's humanity gives some certainty. Without thinking thrown into the water. But as soon as he removed his eyes focused on Jesus, he began to sink.
This is a lesson for us all in these troubled times in which we live. In life, one should keep sight of Jesus, not in the waves.


Lord, you know me better than I know myself.
Your soul pervades every moment of my life.
Thank you for the grace and love that affects me.
Thank you for your continued, gentle invitation to allow me to enter my life.
Forgive me for the moments when I rejected that invitation, and I shut myself before you.
Help me to come through the day, to know your presence in my life, to open your heart, to let you act in me, your greatest godliness.


Thank you, Lord, that I could spend the few minutes with you.

Glory to the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit
As it was at the beginning, so now
And forever of life. Amen.