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Solutions for Global Warming
Global warming means the constant increase in temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Global warming is a result of most human activities, which has increased in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Due to the increased production of greenhouse gases or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), ice is constantly melting in Antarctica and the sea level in the Himalayas is rising and the desert is expanding. Western winds are becoming very strong. Scientists say that in the coming days, the incidence of drought and flood can also increase.
During Ice Age (approximately 50,000 to 100,000 years ago), Earth's global average annual temperature was 5-10 degrees Celsius compared to today. According to scientists, the temperature of the earth increased by 0.74 degree celsius from 1906 to 2006. Northern and southern hemispches have seen declines in glaciers and snow covered areas. The average temperature of Antarctica has increased twice as the average temperature of Earth in the last 100 years.
How to Stop Global Warming / Ways to Stop Global Warming
Environmental erosion and climate change have affected the whole world. To find ways to stop global warming, mankind must be one. Unfortunately poor countries, which are primarily dependent on the natural environment for their survival, need help to be able to deal with environmental concerns.
Nations around the world are moving forward in the fight against climate change. With the goal of reducing global warming by 2 ° C in the future, 195 countries signed an agreement in Paris climate conference in 2015 to reduce their carbon emissions. It was a big step in the right direction but it is important that every citizen contribute equally to this goal. Environmental protection can be achieved by any person who wishes to contribute to prevent global warming.
Here are some very simple, easy but effective steps that are included in our daily habits and can contribute greatly to environmental protection. Each of us can make this change:
Raising Awareness
- The first thing to prevent global warming is that people of every country have to be aware of it! If we are able to do this, it will help us to prevent the spread of global warming. Awareness clearly plays an important role in reducing global warming.
Reduce carbon foot print
- To save Earth Planets, we must keep the atmosphere as far away as possible from pollution. Remember that whatever is happening in the environment, human activities are responsible for it. We have to make our earth green in true sense. The 'carbon foot print' (measuring the scale of carbon emissions per person) will have to be reduced. We should reduce the emissions of CFC gases which can be done by reducing the use of refrigerators, air conditioners and other cooling machines.
- The smoke generated from the chimney of industrial units and vehicles is extremely harmful because their emitted carbon dioxide increases the heat in the atmosphere. One of the solutions for global warming is that environmental standards must be followed strictly to reduce industrial and vehicle emissions.
Avoid Water Damage
- Water is life. With the passage of time clean and fresh water is becoming more and more valuable. We should reduce the use of water as far as possible, keep the tap close while brushing, consume less water while bathing and use the washing machine only if the fabric is too high. Do not wash your car every day and if wash then wash it with bucket water. Oil and color should not be put in drains because they contaminate rivers and seas.
- Use energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water and bathing with fountains.
- In essence it is important that we know how to save water in order to prevent global warming.
Adoption of water harvesting
- Rainwater flows in the drains and we do not care about it. If you save and store rain water, it can be used in various works and can save water from the lack of water in the summer.
Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene
- If you are spreading the dirt then the surface of the earth is at risk of becoming contaminated. Keep clean and cleanliness to keep your environment healthy and keep the earth clean.
Reduce plastic use, say 'no' to polyethylene
- Plastic is the biggest threat to the environment. Every year 1 million marine mammals and 10 million seabirds die from swallowing plastic. Essentially including minimal use of plastic to reduce global warming. Apart from this, plastic wastes need to be properly disposed, rather than throwing it here.
- Polyethylene or polyethylene is an object that causes damage to our environment even after burning. This is the reason that as soon as you stop using it, the better it will be.
Plants & Preserved Trees
- To ensure soil protection, clean air and environmental balance, it is necessary to plant the plants. Today, trees are being cut indiscriminately to meet the demands of urbanization. Trees are the biggest source of oxygen and the irony is that we cut them instead of growing. Plantation can be one of the great solutions of global warming.
- During the process of photo synthesis, trees not only give oxygen but also absorb carbon dioxide, which is the main source of global warming. We must make the world aware of the need to plant more trees. The emphasis on conservation of forests should also be emphasized. If every person plants trees, life on Earth will improve significantly because the effects of pollution, global warming and greenhouse will be reduced considerably.
Animal care
- The main thing that separates our soil is that there is life here and this life is not limited to mere human species. Birds and animals also have the right to live. Due to being a part of the food chain, they save us from many diseases and dangers, but when we kill animals on a large scale, such steps will increase the problem of global warming and release large amounts of heat-generating greenhouse gases.
Adopt alternative energy
- Important ways to prevent global warming require renewable energy measures rather than electricity produced by coal, i.e. wind power, solar energy and hydroelectric
- If we use solar energy then the use of water decreases and it helps the earth to remain green. These days solar panels are easily available for installation. Incentives and exemptions are being given by government agencies and energy companies to focus on solar energy.
Reduce power consumption
- Taking small steps can help prevent global warming. When you are not using any electrical equipment in the house then you should stop it immediately. As soon as you are not watching TV, keep it off or turn off the tube lights, bulbs while leaving the room. When you leave the office, close your computer and monitor. By doing so you will not only be able to save your electricity bill but also reduce the consumption of power.
- Apart from this, the use of LED or Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs in the way to prevent global warming is also included. Although it is a little expensive, they are environmentally friendly and run for long periods and save a lot of energy for a long time. Change your normal bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs because they consume 70% less energy than normal bulbs.
Buy energy-efficient equipment
- Always buy energy efficient products as they can help you save a good amount of energy bills. These products can help you save energy, save money and reduce carbon foot prints. When you consume less carbon dioxide, it will also be released less in the environment.
Find renewable fuel options
- When shopping for cars, look at the benefits that provide renewable fuel. Use cars that run on clean fuel like electricity, smart cars or CNG.
Redus, Reuse and Recycle
- Almost all things can be recycled. You should try to buy products that are capable of recycling - reuse the bottles, plastic containers etc. purchased in glass, paper, cardboard, plastic or metal grocery store. Water bottles, yogurt cups, and other things can be reused. You must also reduce the use of paper and wood to eliminate the need for cutting trees.
- Industrial waste, especially those coming out of chemical units, need to be properly recycled. Try to use disposable products on your behalf. Do not throw them here. Carbon foot prints can be significantly reduced by the recycling of the old items, because the recycle takes less energy compared to the production of goods.
reduce waste
- The ground waste is the main contributor for methane and other greenhouse gases. Burning of garbage or crop skins increases the risk of air pollution in the environment as it releases toxic gases, resulting in smoke (smoke + fog) which badly affects the quality of the air.
Prefer pedestrian or cycling
- If you are going out somewhere, please see if you have to go by car. If you have to go a little bit away, for example, in the local market, you can either walk or cycle out. Not only will the car not help save fuel but also help to reduce global warming. Apart from this, you can also see other possibilities such as car pooling in which you can travel with your colleagues, friends living in the same area. Since global warming has increased due to the emissions of smoke and gasoline, therefore reducing their consumption to reduce energy consumption is an important step.
Save agricultural land
- Since the staff's strength is to rent or buy the house near their offices, they gradually occupy the entire area. As a result, water of rain water can not go to the ground and collects in the same place through the drains and also contaminate rivers and other small reservoirs.
- New industries should be established at those places where agriculture is not being cultivated. This will help us keep the earth green.
Planted trees along the road
- The government should sign contracts with roads manufacturing companies that plant trees on empty grounds of both sides of the road. To prevent soil erosion, trees should be planted on the canals.
Trees on the mountains
- A campaign can be started to plant trees in the mountainous areas because the trees have an important role in environmental protection. We can plant trees, flowers, small bushes and large bushes in such areas to help in soil conservation.
grow vegetables
- The vegetables we eat today take the remains of chemicals and insecticides. If we apply organic vegetables then it will be beneficial for both our health and the environment.
Quit smoking
- Smoking, a harmful habit, enhances air pollution. Environmental pollution can be avoided to some degree if we quit smoking.
Keep improving your vehicle
- If you keep on repairing your vehicles and periodically checking its pollution, you can contribute to environmental protection and its protection.
Change the air-conditioner's filters
- If you are not doing this, then not only are you wasting energy but also breathing in dirty air. So keep the air filter clean at regular intervals.
To prevent the impact of global warming, we have to reduce the proportion of greenhouse gases in the environment. For this, it is necessary that we reduce the use of fossil fuels by controlling vehicles and industrial emissions. We have to use sources of energy in which the use of carbon should be used in a limited amount or not at all like solar energy, nuclear energy and wind power etc. Harvesting of trees should be stopped and more trees should be planted because they are most important. They help us in our fight against global warming.
Fear of global warming has united the different countries of the world. Under the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, many countries of the world agreed on reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This protocol was implemented since 2005 but India and China disagreed with its many provisions because they considered the policies adopted in the Kyoto Protocol to stop global warming in the development of their country. After this, the Paris Climate Agreement was adopted unanimously on December 12, 2015. There are many things agreed in it. It is expected that more and more countries will forget about the points of disagreement and come together on a platform to find ways to reduce global warming.
I'M @radhemohanswami from india .
I'm a travel blogger and love for photography and live life .
My moto is life is a one chance so don't waste for fight live peace and
live with nature . again thanks for my followers .
Great post @radhemohanswami !! It is time to take firm steps to control global warming ...
yes dear , We all do it .
You did not watch the video. Did you?
thanks @resteemsupport .