Well one part is the given analogy.
The idea that any substantial portion of people would be convinced by the given hypothetical organization that night/day is somehow apocalyptic, even controlling all but one percent of 'the media', seems preposterous to me.
Also the seeming assertion that all oil is abiotic in origin has the sound of a fruit flavored toroid.
Another minor thing is that the OP seemingly conflates materials being abiotic with them being plentiful. If that's the case, it seems like an erroneous conflation.
For instance, xenon is an abiotic material yet it's rather rare.
Hang on - you are questioning the truth of my fictional analogy? - that is something i made up to illustrate a point
And then getting into abiotic oil theory - I'm not sure you want to get into that one, I have a shitload of evidence. Maybe I'll post a summary tomorrow, it's a really interesting subject - here is a tiny part from my webpage about peak oil:
It appears that, unbeknownst to Westerners, there have actually been, for quite some time now, two competing theories concerning the origins of petroleum.
One theory claims that oil is an organic ‘fossil fuel’ deposited in finite quantities near the planet’s surface. The other theory claims that oil is continuously generated by natural processes in the Earth’s magma. One theory is backed by a massive body of research representing fifty years of intense scientific inquiry. The other theory is an unproven relic of the eighteenth century. One theory anticipates deep oil reserves, refillable oil fields, migratory oil systems, deep sources of generation, and the spontaneous venting of gas and oil. The other theory has a difficult time explaining any such documented phenomena.
So which theory have we in the West, in our infinite wisdom, chosen to embrace? Why, the fundamentally absurd ‘Fossil Fuel’ theory, of course – the same theory that the ‘Peak Oil’ doomsday warnings are based on.
"- you are questioning the truth of my fictional analogy? -"
Not exactly, I realize it's a fiction, but it doesn't seem very illustrative to me by virtue of being nearly nonsensical. I gather it's meant to be an allegory for climate change but it seems to me such a distorted caricature as to be rather impotent.
Also, I was previously aware of both biotic and abiotic chemistry that can produce oil deposits. Given life's prodigious ability to catalyze reactions and the timescales involved, it's to me puzzling this denial of the biotic pathways for oil creation.
Lastly, I'd like to note I have no love for the West or it's philosophy. In fact I find many of the notable tenets and philosophers to be contemptible, but I suppose one could find contemptible elements in many sets with enough analysis.
This is great line, I might use it for a meme!
one could find contemptible elements in many sets with enough analysis
Thanks 4 explaining the 2 oil theories... the fossil one was always taken for granted it seems.. But when they drill miles deep in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere.. you have to start thinking 4 yourself and find another explanation..
What do you mean?
Is offshore drilling somehow suspicious?
How do plant fossils wind up so deep in the earth.. so oil can't be from fossils
The fossil fuel theory gets dumber the more you research it, but believers believe...
Maybe the oil is made by Lizard people from captive humans..