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RE: Is Globalization is biggest Mistake of Mankind?

in #globalization8 years ago

Great post, I will attempt to explain a few things about globalization.

  1. Globalization is a long time plan that is being carried out by an inner circle of Central Bankers for their own benefit, and the benefit of Multinational Corporations which are all connected together, see this linked report.

  2. International Law is about superseding National Constitutional Law which has problems for the elite like the Bill of Rights in America. By imposing International Laws that supersede those, they can bypass our Natural Rights and enslave everyone. This has been planned for hundreds of years.

  3. If a "Free Market" agreement is hundreds of pages long, sometimes thousands and can't be viewed like TTIP, TTP etc. Then it is not a "Free Trade" Agreement, this is what is called "double talk" an Orwellian term for how the powers that be call something the exact opposite of what it is. A Free Trade Agreement would just be a Free Trade Agreement, not a document thousands of pages long that was written to benefit the MNC's and Central Banks and no one else.