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RE: The Old Dog Asks: With This Computer App Can I Really Throw Away My Glasses?

in #glasses7 years ago

I am definitely going to be following your progress with this with interest.

I wear glasses and I HATE it!

I've had to wear them for about the past 16 years and things are getting worse. It used to be just for driving, then it was also for watching tv, then also for work (at a computer screen all day) and now I wear them full time.

I can't get along with contact lenses. I know loads of people who say that once they're in, you can't feel them. Well I can. To me, it feels as though I have an eyelash in my eye the whole time :-(

Im also not interested in laser surgery. Yes, loads of people have told me that the chance of something going wrong is 1 in a million..... who's to say I wouldn't be the 1? Nope. Not for me. Too risky, that's my eyesight we're talking about at risk. No way.

And so my choices are, wear my hateful glasses, or walk around not really being able to see*

So yes, I am very interested to hear how you get on :-)

  • I do actually do this. On a night out, I'm often too vain to wear my specs, so I will wear contacts for an hour so I can suss out where my friends are, where the exit is, where the toilets are etc, then I will take my lenses out and just be blurry for the rest of the evening!! Everything takes on a bit or a soft focus look..... it isn't unpleasant!

I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime have a laugh at this comedy routine about contact lenses. It starts at 2:25

"Put some glass in your eye - it won't hurt"
How true. That's exactly what it's like.