As some steemians knew and some not know that Byteball is giving free money to steemit users according to their steemit reputation. So, here is one reason to enjoy your reputation and know importance of repo.
Now, I will show you how you get rewards of upto 200$ from me through the Byteball. This value is according to market value (the time you complete the process). This is very easy process. Let's find out what you get
All Steem accounts with a reputation of 30 or higher and created prior to July 12, 2018 are eligible for free Byteball Bytes worth up to 160 USD based on your reputation and upto 40 USD from me (which i get from referral) :
Currently the official attestation rewards are as follows:
Steem reputation above 30: you get a $5 reward
Steem reputation above 40: you get a $10 reward
Steem reputation above 50: you get a $40 reward
Steem reputation above 60: you get a $80 reward
Steem reputation above 70: you get a $160 reward
But if you use my following referral link to download your wallet, I’ll transfer you some more bytes out of my referral rewards:
Please note that I’d be sending these bytes from the referral which gets credited to my account because of your new Byteball wallet activation. So I’ll send bytes according to what i get from Byteball, irrespective of the market price in dollars. Please don’t blame me for market volatility and if I don't received your referral credit.
If you complete the process with my link and opened it successfully, drop a message to me at comment section of this post with your wallet address. I will credit the referral rewards to your account.
Here is the process for Byteball wallet opening:
Click on below Referral link of mine: the Byteball wallet with given link.
General installation step are coming, complete the process with accept/agree T&C and others things as normally comes during installation.
Open the Byteball wallet and Go to the 'Chat' section given in right bottom of screen.
Now, Select Tab 'Bot Store' at the top of screen.
Scroll to options coming and click on 'steem attestation bot' and OPEN CHAT.
Now, click on left bottom of screen on button
Select the option 'Insert my address (Small expenses wallet)' and sent it.
Now bot generate a link for steem account verification, Click on the link and complete the process through steemconnect.
After completing this process come again on chat and click on 'Public' (Please, not click on Private).
Then click on 'Please, prove ownership of your address by signing the message:' link.
That's is the complete process. Enjoy your Byteball and send me your wallet address for referral rewards.
If you don't understand this please, check this post
Hope this will solve your all problem. Enjoy the Steeming.
Please, submit your code for your 2.0$ credit is with me. You have done.
Please, submit your code for your 1.0 $ credit is with me. You have done.@s0os0o7, @nizamtalukder, @aimlessjasim, @samlee2018 @treeguy, @jsdjack
Oh! I guess i just need some few upvotes to meet the Requirement...anyone willing to help?
Done. Please, do it with given link.
Waiting for your byteball wallet address.@royalz
Ohk.. Thanks am working on
I don't received you ID referral reward. Please, check correctly and ask to Byteball official telegram group.
Hey @mehta, how about we help each other? I am definitely willing to use your referral, but my reputation needs a tiny boost to cross 60 line from 59.949. Could you provide it with an upvote or two? Then I could register by your referral.
When your reach at your desired level come back with your Byteball ID if you use my referral link.
Thanks for commenting.
can you suggest me how to check accurate reputation as you stated above.
Can anybody tell me these dirty fellow, what they found negative in this post? Check this image or they just not want to other steemians come into top trending. From this list some already have byteball post. Check it out.....

@berniesanders has a post linked in this post even. Not sure what the beef is.
I will be happy if you removed all your downvotes from this post.
It's upto you, you make me happy or not.
I think that the purpose of downvote i realized after your downvote. I am not aware before that. Now, it is already over as i think. So, Please, downvote all your multiple downvote. Thanks in advance.@berniesanders
Now, I think that the given link of their post is my biggest mistake. Because he thinks that I will giving him tough competition. And He does not want this.
I have not think like that before the posting this post. Now i realize that.
I can only say sorry for that. I have posted this post for steemians community growth and try to maximize their profit. That's it.
Don't tell me, you wrote the article to maximize profit. If you had done it for the community you would give the entire commission or donate. Is everyone his right here to make money but don't tell any stories!
I don't understand your point.
Please, give me the list of steemians who gives more profit than me from byteball. I have given all profit to steemians by Byteball. After one year i did not consider.
Where you find stories? You right anythings without base.
Please, explain your view in details, so that i can understand the real things.
You'll get $80 in referral fees at a reputation of 60. Don't tell such lies that you pass everything on. The only reason you're at Steem is because you're buying upvotes for thousands of dollars. But you are welcome to do that too, and that is also your right. But stop telling lies here. Say you want to make money here and you're good.
When I have not received that reward in my account now. How can i give that reward?
Please, give the list of steemians who give more than this?
Why are you not start giving this 80$ reward?
You are just joking and not doing anything regarding this. Give that 80$ rewards, I will be very happy to see. Thanks.
its risky ?
why should we believe in you? not you are too foreign and we can not believe you. can you prove it ??
I don't need to prove it, the time will prove it.
It is totally upto you believe it or not.
Be Happy and Cheers!
Ok. This my wallet addres
I don't received your ID referral reward.
Check with byteball official telegram group.
you can go to byteball's official telegram group and check it, its true. He is promoting it because you get a small incentive if people join using your code after joining before registering the steemit account in there.
unfortunately, I already downloaded the byteball and received some bytes. Can not use your referral. BTW thank you byteball authority for this nice airdrop
All the best !Thank you @mehta, my new byteball address is ENDVW3WYOMFG5BY5BWO5CVZSUQY3FPHB
Thanks for your completion.
I have transferred the 20$ to your account.
When your received please confirm with comment to me.
+144 700 000 bytes
≈ + $19,92
Date: 07/23/2018 19:22 pm (il y a 21 minutes)
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thanks for using my referral code.
I have transferred the 10$ to your Byteball account.
Please, confirm when you received it by comments here.
I have received 10$ sent by you. Thank you.
But why I got 20$ in my wallet instead of 40$ according to my reputation from Byteball??
Now total are 20$+10$= 30$
You have already received the 20 + 10 = 30$, the rest 20$ will be receive by you after one year. It was already shown in your smart wallet.
Thank you for kindness.
How can I use these Bytes or convert them into Steem... is it possible?
By online exchange where byteball is listed, you can do.
Thanks for using my referral link. I have sent you 10$ as reward from mehta.
Please, confirm when you received it, by commenting here.
Why did I got only 4.99$ ?
I have sent you 2.5$ for more than committed.
Enjoy your rewards.
The rest of reward is already in your smart wallet and available after one year.
Please, confirm by comment here, when you receive it.
I dont think I have got any 2.5$.
I have sent you on above ID 0.0183 GB, currently this is equal to 2.66$.

Becasue market has increase. In my sent wallet it show confirmed. Look screenshot of my sent transaction:
hope you will send me my share. Thanks in advance !!☺️@mehta my wallet address is
I didn't received the referral credit from your account ID.
Have you used my link?
Have you get the Byteball amount?
@mehta i forgot the last step but i have done it now. Please check once again. And i have received the amount.
I have only received $2.49 you said that i will receive $5 what to do now ?
2.5$ will be received in your smart wallet, and available after 1 year.
Now, i have recevied your referral and transferred 1$ to your Byteball wallet.
When you received confirm here with comment.
I have received the amount @mehta Thanks once again.
Thanks for using my referral link. I have sent you 10$ as reward from mehta.
Please, confirm when you received it, by commenting here.
done pls send here: ADKSFMU53Y3GN55QEN7SFZ5OAFLT6RQ7
Thanks for using my referral link for byteball airdrop.
I have transferred 10$ to your byteball ID. Please, confirm here if you received.
Hi @mehta i already downloaded with your refferal link here's my wallet address: QT6UKYRUKNRSJUW2TEVYQZVUOEOXYFGF
I have not received any referral from this ID.
Please, check with Byteball official channel of Telegram.
Now, the wallet is not available with me, I will check it about 10-12 hours later. If i received the referral credit, I will transfer to your wallet address. Wait till that.
If i not received I will inform with comment.Hello, @rachelleignacio
Thank you! Here's my wallet:
Thanks for using the referral code.
I have sent you 10$ to your byteball address. Please, confirm with comment.
Thanks to you! I received it.
Thanks for use my referral link.
I have transferred the 1$ to your Byteball address. Please, confirm with comment, when you receive.
Thank You Dear...
i got it...
Please give me your support..
I have sent you 0.0181 GB to your account of byteball. You will receive it shortly.
Please, confirm when your received.
ok received
byteball wallet creat kiya hai aapke REFERRAL link se aur address send kiya hai
@mehta thank you mehta ji.. i am thinking to claim after my repuation reaches atleast 50.
ये आप पर है आप कब लेना चाहते है, उस समय offer होगा तो मिल जाएगा.
comment के लिए धन्यवाद.
UBLDF4CRBIBFKDS7YJY43A3ZOBYAWK2HThank you @mehta ji just or this opportunity. I have just opened my byteball wallet by using your referral code. Here is my byteball wallet address:
I have sent you 2.0$ to your Byteball wallet.
Plesae, check and confirm when you received it though commenting here.
मेहता जी क्या आप बता पाएंगे कि byteball ऐप में कहां चेक होता है, मुझे कहीं कोई नोटिफिकेशन नहीं दिखाई दे रहा हैं। और सिर्फ 2.0$ ही।
'History' button click kar check kare.
Maine mere 2 $ aapko bhej diye hai.
Hi @mehta. I have completed the whole process as you mentioned in your post and I used your referral link to download the byteball software.
Please send me referral rewards,
Thanks for using my referral link. I have transferred the 1$ amount to your account.
Please confirm when you received with comment here.
Nice I'm waiting to reach rep 50, I need only a few votes and I will do this! 😄
Thanks brother, I will like to do your byteball wallet referral. Use give post link to download wallet.
I will do with your referral, but I'm now at 49.999 😩
It will just a matter of time. It will good to do with 50 repo, wait till you reach.
I did it mate! 😄
Till now, i did not receive the referral reward. Have your receive your reward by byteball?
have you use my link for that?
Nice scheme hey for attracting new registrations.
But you should be aware of bots, since you only get the rewards if you are the first one to send the bytes.
No need to send byte for referral, it is old system. All is automatically.
I have to just transfer my referral bonus to steemians, if they do it by my referral link.
Oh I wasn't aware of that. Good that they fixed the system, thanks for sharing!
I have not received any credit for you. Please, check your chat.
Thanks for using my byteball referral link.
I have transferred the 2$ to your Byteball account. confirm with comment.
Rewards sent to your bateball ID.
Hi! I have a doubt. When I click on your link it redirects me to the Byteball homepage. It's that normal? Maybe that's the reason why you haven't receive ID referrals lately.
Yes, this is normal.
Ok, thanks for answering so fast :) I followed all the instructions. Here is my wallet adress:
Thanks for using referral code. I have transferred the 10$ to your account of Byteball. Confirm here with comment.
Hi, i also created a new account there, hopefully, it worked... =)
Thanks for using my referral code.
I have transferred 10$ to your byteball account. Please, confirm with commenting when you received it.
I recieved it, thank you.
@mehta CKNCJK5E4LB7QCVI2V3RHSFMZAESE3VS this is my wallet address
I have not received any credit for you. Please, check your chat.
I have followed the exact steps you told. Kindly check. But its showing 0 bytes and 0 blackbytes in my account
Please, delete you app/installed wallet. Install it again as you didn't received and money.@bhaski
I tried to uninstall it , still showing same wallet address only after reinstalation. I am not getting even 5 doller. Its ok bro I think it will not work. I am not sure why. But thanks a lot.
Have you join steemit before July 12, 2018?
It is not possible that if you delete app than again same ID will come after installation. Is there is something wrong?
My byteball add.
I have not received any credit for you. Please, check your chat.
Thanks for best information! Good luck Friend!
लगता है आपने byteball का पर्स ले लिया है.
Yes! Friday , 12 july
I now have a 38 reputation, been wondering if some can help me make it through rep 40 before I claim my byteball :)
Why i just Got only 10$ ??
Have you used my referral link? I don't received your code/name by byteball.
Hi guys, can you help get to rep 30? Thank you so much!
Hello guys, can you help me get to rep 30 so i can have this airdrop? Thank you in advance!
Epale como esta todo?. Vi esto me gusto y lo abri . No entendi mucho pero creo que no tengo lo requerido,osea lo que estas sugiriendo. de todas manera te di un voto y como voy nuevo en esto no se si fue positivo. Esto que estas es haciendo es bien, por lo poco que entendí es muy bueno. Ok estas pendiente.
thanks bro done! 2G5TUG6VUAMN3257N2L2TTIRDA6KVFB5
Not receive referral reward from this ID.
I have not received any credit for you. Please, check your chat.
Can i join this my repu is 25 . @mehta
No received any referral from your account. Please, check your chat.
Have you receive your $ from byteball?
Byteball be like...

Sir, I just got approved by steemit. Please advise how to be successful here. Any tips will be helpful.
Hiii @mehta ji
I'm not eligible for this giveaway ??
This post has received a 16.48 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @mehta.
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Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!
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I was summoned by @mehta. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...
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us Steem Power & get 100%daily rewards Payout! 20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500,1000 or Fill in any amount of SP Earn 1.25 SBD Per 1000 SP | Discord serverYou got a 36.26% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @mehta! Delegate
GOod blog Mehta Bhai.. I have registered already otherwise it was a good way to register
I am taking it
Kya baat hai mehta ji...aap to chaye hue ho steemit par...
Udaipur walo ko bhi ye sab karne ki jarurrat hai kya.........just kidding..
I will let you know once i finish this.