
Well touch base with me for your next one, will gladly honor the support with whatever style thumbnail you need cooked up! My pleasure. All we ever need is a Steem theme (bahaahahaha I couldn't help myself).

Nice. Do you have any experience with video animation or logo animation?

Thank you. Not really. Don't have anything software wise to work on video efficiently or effectively. Logo animation I could probably make happen. I dabble with .gif animations, and have the tools to create a very nice, clean logo animation if you mean outside of putting it in a video (could obviously be used in one). I learn fast, and don't mind working through leaning a new technique if needed, but most things are simple in that regard. What kind of logo animation do you need? I'm no 3D Animator, but I am following one on here, curiously enough.

Cool. I want something quite simpel actually. Something like this:

Let me know if are up for it.

I think that's going to require someone with video rendering capabilities to get something that smooth and clean. That's out of the .gif league of animation. I could get close, but you will be missing that edge you are probably looking for... Apologies, if I'm of no assistance. Could a recommend you to a guild mate?

Feel free to. I've gotten amazing support on my announcement post, but no suitors.

I've got a freelancer that can help. I'll be putting him in touch with you, sir!