I'm just a member, too, like you @mental-extract 😉
It is not about what we can do on our own, it's about what WE can accomplish when combine forces... Super-Powers haha None of us are strongest on our own... We need each other because let me tell you from experience: freelance can be brutal!!
That's not just in design either, it's when a person carves their own path in life (in general). It is usually met with great resistance when you go your 'own way' (freelancing). The @steemfreelancers guild is a blessing that I wish I had 7 years ago!!
Like one of my early footer graphics read "the more you know, the more you grow" q- that does not only pertain to information, it also pertains to good people. Surrounding yourself with good people and people with various skill sets and experiences = prime environment for growth!
I'm not just a graphic guy, I have a small-scale heirloom tomato farm, too..LOL so the words I'm sharing certainly apply to people as much as they do plants. Many times success is ALL about environment!
AMEN! I wish I could up-vote this over and over! Very well said, and thank you for that. I'm excited to be a part of it and to have something to give value back to the community, in our own weird way. We are going to kick start a garden, too, here soon. I think that's awesome. Success breeds success, iron sharpens iron... I appreciate the support, as always, and look forward to working together, in a freelancer's way. Cheers mate!