There some points where DTube could improve:
- Better streaming quality, which involves improving cloud services since some videos stutter ( but I think it's pretty expensive)
- A better algorithm to show you more related videos
- More quality options for the video ( ATM there are only 2 options for me: 480p and source)
"Better streaming" should be addressed, by my concern is more with "speedUNUSABLE because of slow steaming/buffering problems, and I know many Steemians who agree.I agree with @fujiwara that " than with "quality." My experience thus far is that @dtube is virtually
Granted, my Internet connection is not fast, but other streaming services (Vimeo, Vevo, YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, etc.) seldom pose a problem for me. However, Dtube always loads slowly, on a consistent, predictable basis. As an example, a music video recently took 40 minutes to load ONE-minute of the 4-minute video, after which I gave up. Your video last night was buffering even more slowly, at a rate of one-second-of-video loading every one-minute-of-waiting.
I am aware that where I live (eastern US) has much slower Internet than Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many other places in the world. But if streaming cannot be improved so the site becomes usable for everyone, as is Vimeo/Vevo/Youtube/etc., what good is it?
@fujiwara you have a point in that it might be much more expensive to improve the streaming quality. Perhaps, @dtube has more important priorities right now compared to this (I am not sure myself). HD options would be great too since most users are accustomed to the HD video quality on Youtube, Twitch etc.
I believe that the related videosdtubers whilst keeping users engaged on the platform for a longer duration. currently displayed on your DTube UI is dependent on the accounts that you've followed. Personally, I only see videos from users that I've followed but not because it's relevant to the video that I'm currently watching. If @dtube can build a system that displays relevant videos to the ones users are currently watching, this can help to create more exposure for
I have a pretty beefy Internet connection where I live and I'm experiencing the same things, videos aren't watchable when selecting the source option as they stutter way too much.