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RE: A Camera Giveaway! Canon EOS 500d

in #giveaway7 years ago

Well, I only have my Samsung S6 and drone at the moment. They are great at some things but then there are also things that they simply can not do such as take that 'Tilhi' picture. This is where the DSLR would come in handy. I'd like to learn to use an actual camera. I have devoted my life for making videos ever since I was 12 but I have recently started to focus on photography thanks to Steemit. I quickly ran into the realization that my phone just doesn't quite cut it in all aspects when trying to capture a high quality photo.
I am not quite sure what photography means for me but I think it is a way to memorize the good things in life. I am not even a good or a decent phographer but I always like to take pictures of interesting things I see. Beautiful clouds? Better take my drone out. Moose in a forest? Better take my phone out.

I don't have extra thousands to throw around thanks to turning into an adult and having to pay for a car etc. Buying a proper camera isn't the best option for me right now.

And also I live in Finland so the shipping costs would be cheap :)


Oh saving money.. that would be a really good point ;)

Olen nähnyt tällaisia myynnissä käytettyinä jostain satasesta alkaen, eli jos tosissaan kiinnostaa ja jos et voita, kannattaa katsella millaisia käytettyjä löytyy. Voi ihan järkevään hintaan nähdä jos on oikeasti oma juttu :)

Aijjaa no tohon hintaan sitä vois jo itekki kattella :) Jotenkin vaan en tykkää ostaa mitään käytettynä, kun ei tiedä missä kunnossa ne tuotteet on jos ei tunne sitä keneltä niitä ostaa. Mutta niin jos tosiaan satasella saa tommosia niin saatan ostaakki jos en muualta saa ;)