An apology (of sorts)

in #giveaway7 years ago

Where to begin … first of all I am very new to steemit. I opened an account about 3 months ago and noticed the name dougpolk was not taken. I was/am a big Doug Polk fan so I thought nothing of just taking that name. dougpolkcrytpo is the real one. About a week ago I thought why not refer some people who are not already on Binance and KuCoin to them. That is where I make most of my money. I really am one of the top 1% of traders by volume on those sites, and placing near the top in both of their trading competitions has been helping me survive, especially in this bear market.

However, I digress. I seem to have angered/upset some people. Either by pretending to be the real Doug Polk, or by "spamming" too much/or to them directly. So yeah I actually am sorry about that. I'm still learning how things work on steem, and didn't think that what I was doing was hurting anybody, at least that wasn't my intention. I really was just trying to get people to sign up, and as far as I know I was the only person offering money back to people.

To anyone saying that I'm taking money from people well you're wrong! I've had 3 people click on the KuCoin referral link but nobody has started trading yet. Also (and more importantly) it doesn't cost anybody anything. I don't see anything wrong about having a win win situation at all.

And, I believe that we live in a free world, and that means freedom of speech and expression. I won't "spam" individuals, and again sorry if I upset anyone (not my intention), but I will keep posting for anybody that wants to read my posts they can. I forgive everybody that was angry and upset at me, since it was I that angered and upset them, and I hope you can all do the same for me. I really am just trying to help out some people, and I'll try to do that in a better way in the future. If you still don't believe me, then please answer how am I hurting anybody? If you're still angry then maybe you should take a look at yourself first before judging others. I have never written a mean post on here.

Sorry if this apology came across as not being sincere, it is, but I just want to get my point across accurately. If you've read this far then I thank you. Everybody is, of course, entitled to their own opinions. To those that were gracious in telling me the errors of my ways, a big thank you! I have taken your comments to heart. I may soon just end up not posting on here at all if that ends up being for the greater good. Thank you,

Richard (real name)


Be original.. be yourself..

yeah i'm going to. thank you

Good luck