Anyone interested in PC gaming and want a free copy of Shadowrun Returns?
This is the first of a few posts I'll be doing giving away various games that I already have and also have extra keys for. So I figure maybe someone out there can get some enjoyment out of them instead of just letting them sit there collecting digital dust. :)
Shadowrun Returns is a bit of an older game , but still pretty cool in my opinion. A good cyberpunk adventure/rpg.
Anyways , instead of just posting the key here in this post , I'll ask a different question(nothing too difficult) in each post and whoever gets it right first in the comments, I will send the key to.
Right so ... Can someone name the first four discovered moons of Jupiter?
Leave your answers in the comments.
If you like what I'm doing and/or posting feel free to give us an upvote / resteem / follow
Thanks for stopping by :)
I've been thinking about getting a TV, I live out in the middle of the jungle alone and it gets boring, video games might be a welcomed add to all the time we spend out here working!
Hahah yeah , sometimes video games with a good story can be as good as a good book or movie , if done right ... and it's interactive :) ...
And I see on your profile it says Costa Rica yes? What kind of work do you do out there? (if you don't mind me asking that is :) )
Well, my work here on Steemit is some of it lately! I manage some online companies, doing advertising and marketing. WE have a small beverage company out here in the area as well. WE also have been doing some week long trades on the crypto world recently which has been doing well. We like to think of our selves as entrepreneurs!
Cool man , thanks for sharing that :) ... Hey btw we (me and my family ) will be visiting Costa Rica soon ... would you have any suggestions on what to see and/or where to go / things to do ect?
Oh thats great, you know, I ave been travelling for years. I like finding a single area and loving the heck outta one beach and one waterfall. There is so much to see here, and its all so beautiful. The southern part of the country is wetter and more jungle like north its a little dryer, there are volcanoes and hot springs. You can drive frmo top to bottom in about 8 hours and across the country in 6.... so you can cover a lot of ground or stay in one spot and just enjoy the peace of the stillness of the jungle. Slowing down to listen to the plants and animals :)
Nice ...sounds like it'll be pretty cool .
Yes, its a gorgeous country. You will enjoy it!
Luck you have family. Wishing I had a partner and kids down here. It gets slow out here alone
I do like that saying that there is someone out there for everyone. And I'll tell ya what ... I'm a loner type and pretty rough around the edges and not very easy to get along with , mostly anyway hahah , so ... If I can find someone ... anyone can :)
And for all those times I was alone , music always got me through stuff ... whether it's listening to other people's music or writing your own ... and with that said , I think any kind of creative work helps one get through those lonely times , it helped me for sure :)
Of course, luckily I have made a nice little bear cave full of instruments and gear for me to work and study. Im blessed and greatful. Not sad, just my ancient genetics missing the group~ writing an article about it now.
Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Discovered by Galileo and named after the lovers of Zeus,if I remember right.
Also never played Shadow Run, really liked the books though.
Ooo that was quick :) ...nice ...Right .... I was going to post the key in a reply to one of your posts , but i see you don't have any posts :( so there goes that plan hahah .... and as far as I know there is no private messaging on steemit. Hmmm ... I didn't particularly want to just post the key here b/c anyone that sees it can just use it... anyways ... lemme try something ...
@jynxx Check your wallet. It's all public though (meaning anyone can just go in there and redeem the key , so hopefully you are quick about it :) )... that was the best I could think of besides just posting it here ... Let me know if you got it ...
Got it.
I was going to give you an Email address to send it to, is that game on the Steam gaming site
Yep that's a steam key ... and yeah i was kinda thinking email ... but i don't really want to be taking anyones email addresses ... or having them post their addresses publicly ...
Its a dedicated email I use for this kind of thing, nothing there as far as personal details
Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
right but jynxx beat you to it :) .... Anyway I'll have another giveaway tomorrow sometime for some other game , so you can try again tomorrow ... thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)