I might have to take you up on that offer as I am looking to improve my posts on the visual part. Make it look little "fancy" or so to speak. lol
It is very generous from you offering this to people. Love it. :)
I might have to take you up on that offer as I am looking to improve my posts on the visual part. Make it look little "fancy" or so to speak. lol
It is very generous from you offering this to people. Love it. :)
Well thank you, thank you! Did you have a background you preferred? Or, what category/subject will this post be in so I can find you another image? (i.e. travel, art, etc...) I can do the fancy part... I think, lol.
P.S.- Want to help anyone I can increase the value of the content, and therefore the community & our tokens :).
I liked the first badge, but I would change the color to blue for mine. I love the ocean and it is my favorite color. If you can help me out with that I would surely appreciate it. :) I love any kind of thumbnails connected to the ocean. Like an ocean sunsets. :)
Done! I shall return. I'll touch base on Discord.