Alright my friend, I will tag you on the next post that will come up with in 24hrs.
Also, maybe you should provide a non expiring link to the steem terminal discord in order for it to always be included in these contest posts?
Posted using Partiko Android
I will certainly do that my friend.
And if you want to join just to give advice or meet new people do drop by we would love to have another hard working steemian onboard.
Blog to you soon !
And thank you I have it here You will also meet the steem terminal crew consisting of @xcountytravelers and @thekittygirl.
Yeah, I am definitely joining. Thank you very much!
Posted using Partiko Android
You are very Welcome and i know you adres the introduce yourself tag everyday maybe you canadvisethe newbies to join the server too that way they can ask questions for Free and dont encounter RC problems
Posted using Partiko Android