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RE: International Women´s Day giveaway: special “flower photo contest” for 30 SBD!

in #giveaway7 years ago

This is from one of my recent posts.
A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest # 15: The Purity of Lotus | 清净无染莲花

After some research, I found this about the significance of the Lotus Flower:
In Buddhist symbolism the lotus is symbolic of purity of the body, speech, and mind as while rooted in the mud, its flowers blossom on long stalks as if floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. It is also symbolic of detachment as drops of water easily slide off its petals. ... It is also to be noted that many Asian deities are depicted seated on a lotus flower. According to legend, Gautama Buddha was born with the ability to walk and everywhere he stepped, lotus flowers bloomed.