Levels of resentment!

in #give5 years ago


Funny thing is it not - society.

Part of a series I plan to present to you, with regards to how the "el-ite" manage to get away with what they do, how they con-trol people.

I must state that I now live in a place where this is not happening.

My home country England is going to be my prime presentation, please feel free to tell me below what your own country is like.

Via sport, namely football. Which is the single most popular sport in the UK. Hatred foments. Hatred for the team closest to your own team in location.

People in Derby call Leicester fans incester for instance.

Cramming people into cities, villages or towns, causes this.

You have a false sense of imaginary protecting your own area, whilst talking down other areas.

Here most places outside of town, here is where I live now, not the UK, it is more scattered, no streets lined with houses, more houses built away from other people. So this hatred and imaginary keep my village, town or city safe from others simply does not exist.

Once the hatred levels were high enough, they installed cctv on every street, and people did not mind big brother watching them 24/7 where ever they went, because they feel safer from those they resent, almost everybody else. (UK not here)

Britain: the most spied on nation in the world

"A stark warning that Britain is turning into a Big Brother society, where the lives of millions are routinely monitored and tracked from cradle to grave, is given today by the Government's privacy watchdog.
Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, says more and more personal data is being collected and stored on all of us, both by the state and big business.
A study commissioned by his office concludes that within 10 years, surveillance will be all-pervasive, spurred on by Government claims that it is needed to fight terrorism. Link = https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1533054/Britain-the-most-spied-on-nation-in-the-world.html

They are also trialing in Scotland, a system of a "state snooper" that is appointed to every child born, if little sally, bob or what ever the child is named, steps out of line, in the eyes of the invisible, under cover state snooper, who you do not know, they, the state can take that child off you. They can put them in the government care homes, that statisticaly speaking, end up with the child being abused. Most often than not, sexually!.

I will put two links below for your reference.

"The Stasi spying on children: It's an Orwelllian new scheme - a State snooper for EVERY child in Scotland compiling a dossier on their family life... and it has chilling implications for us all" = https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3617086/The-Stasi-spying-children-s-Orwelllian-new-scheme-State-snooper-child-Scotland-compiling-dossier-family-life-chilling-implications-all.html

This above is already in full swing, expect it to go western world wide!..............

"A study by John Hopkins University found that children who are in foster care are four times more likely to be sexually abused than other children not in this setting. Additionally, children who are in group homes are 28 times more likely to be abused than children not living in these homes. " = https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/sexual-abuse-an-epidemic-in-foster-care-settings-6703

To get to be able to do both the cctv, and a state trooper for every child, requires the resentment towards other people, that is rampant in the UK,

A 2 minute look at my farcebook feed today shows how this plays out.

Take the 2 party political system.

Labour and con-servatives for instance.

I am watching some good friends on fb arguing, because it is election time, they are arguing for their favorite leaches cause, arguing about who is the best liar poli-tician.

The UK is set up from the very top, and works it's way down, to divide society at any and every level possible.

From Politics, to sport, and everything in between!.

The whole system is based on hate thy neighbor, hate my friends political party, hate - fear, hate and more fear.

I will cover this more and soon, it is late, and I have to be up early.

Peace and out, keep loving, stop hating, catch you in the AM.


It's the tribe mentality, we have yet to advance from the "Us vs them" mentality before we understand that's reality is we're all in this together.

Indeed we are, thanks for the comment.

Your vote is statistically meaningless and will not sway the (s)election. Your vote is strategically meaningless and decides nothing about the future of the country. Your vote is useless, as the (s)election is rigged anyway. But as Larken Rose of LarkenRose.com reminds us, what really matters is that voting is immoral, legitimizing a system of authoritarian control and empowering the oligarchs who created the system and control its results


Comment of the year that one. :-)

Lol. The state snooper is not quite how the mail reports it and I believe it is being abandoned because of the concerns raised!

I hope so, though it is still in full swing, it was a great way to further the state, employ more people within the state for every child born.

Surprised there were not mass protests when they rolled this brain fart out. :-)

Haha, it wasn't seem as such though. It had some good thinking about it but some of the media stoked up the worst case scenarios behind it and hey ho, it's gone. The media eh, they are never the friends of the people

The UK is worse than I thought ☹️

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Hence why I "buggered off abroad"............... :-)


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I think the "hate thy neighbour" thing is spreading globally quite nicely. There's a lot of name calling for anyone that doesn't entirely agree with your take on things.

Agreed 100% in the "west" still not seeing it in the "east".

My first reaction, when I read or am reminded of these facts, is that somehow more people must be awakened to the truth so that they can join....

Of course, that kind of thinking is pure unadulterated nonsense.

Many people see what is happening but refuse to even given it a second thought. They do not care, as long as they have some money for necessities and a few pints at the pub (here in SA, enough to have a braai with some beers)

They see their children are fat, are brain-damaged or /and are diabetic, and they shrug it off, as if it is normal so there is nothing to be done.

My dream of us going to the stars is almost completely dead.
My dream of us evolving is almost completely dead.
My dream of mankind someday growing wiser and nicer is almost completely dead.

I need a new dream that might be possible.

Could it be that the only one possible is that our civilization collapses; billions die, include the globs, and then what is left settles for the life mankind lived five thousand years ago?

If so, there is one positive factor. We have used up the easy sources of metals and fuels, so, at the highest level possible, they might achieve a steam technology again.

The more you try to wake people up, think the movie matrix, the more they defend the system oppressing them, it is futile, and now pointless, the virus is beyond control!.