GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable
Today we celebrate the girl child.
Celebrating the girl child means celebrating all the boys, girls, women, men and everyone who is contributing to the emancipation and empowerment of women and girls.To you all, we say congratulations for the great work you have been doing.
To the girl child, i wish to say the future despite challenges is full of opportunities.
Be brave, be courageous, dream and follow your dreams. We will always be here to support you whenever and wherever.
Our projects and programs have given boys and girls equal opportunities with mostlty the girls dominating in numbers. One of these programs is the Earth Rangers program that registered 65% girls and 35% boys. This is to say girls are taking the lead in community development and leading the change.
I believe for us to realize the sustainable development goals, women and girls have to be at the forefront of action. At @thegreens, the education and empowerment of the girl child has always been one of our prime concerns and this explains why we created EcoDesigns, a textile recycling and fashion designing hub that is educating and empowering women and girls for free to become ecoFashion designers.
Girls, your force is unstoppable.
Happy International Day of the Girl Child

Mr. Green is a member/promoter of;