Six criteria women who should not be married (sirus salikin jil: 2)
- Al-Ananah (likes to complain)
- Al-Mananah is a woman who gives something to her husband but likes to bring up the gift. Until one time he will say I have done for you this.
3.Al-Hananah is a woman who likes to proud and boast ex-husband or child rather than a former husband. - sAl-Haddaqah is a woman who wants to spend big (wasteful) and like shopping so as to charge her husband to pay pembiaannya.ingle teublet aneuk eyes, which we married to pretend hana dinge ju.
- a woman who likes to decorate throughout the day so that her face looks more graceful and enchanting.
- Al-Shaddaqah is a woman who likes to nyinyir and talkative, like talking to her husband. As the Prophet said, that God is angry with the most commented woman.
Owalah ye ta dinge.