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RE: Finding Helpers for the Homestead

in #ghsc7 years ago

Honestly, the best help we’ve had has been through our church and mutual friends. For a time a large Mormon family lived nearby, I knew them well because I taught three of their seven kids piano... they wanted the older ones to have some farm experience and loved to “farm” them out to help us buck hay, round up cattle, etc. for free. Of course, I always insisted they got a square meal (or two!) depending on how long they were out.

Never pay for help though, omg. Time and time again, when we have offered to pay for hay help, we end up with people who can’t stack, refuse to be taught how to stack, unable to drive the truck, can’t be on time... the list goes on and on. Hubby has a bad back, and I’ve been prego a few times during farming season, so we’ve needed the help, but it hurts to pay AND THEN have to do all the work yourself anyway. 😡 Just our personal experience.