The Difference Between Ghosts and Spirits

in #ghosts8 months ago

I've never seen a ghost the way other people talk about them. I've heard stories of rattling sounds in the attic, stomps down the hall, slamming doors, lost keys, thumps on the head, ethereal images eerily warbling in and out of the 3D plane. I believe it when people tell me these things.


I've just never experienced it that way.

My experience is different. It's more in the "mind's eye" as it were. I just get a sense of them when I'm doing readings on people. There is a difference between ghosts and spirits, by the way. And I can tell the difference.

Spirits have usually made it to "the other side." They tend to cross over fairly effortlessly and have a peaceful go at it. Even some of the ones who we think are absolutely rotten to the core in this life, some of them get there and make quite a bit of progress right off, or at least eventually.

But there are some who don't cross over right away. They choose (or are compelled) to linger. Usually because of trauma or some sort of emotional attachment they have to this earthly plane. And that's ok. It's not permanent. It's just where they're at for now.

In SOME cases, I meet spirits who deliberately choose to stay here to "haunt" the people they love, so to speak. And that's ok too! It's adorable, actually.

spirit guide.png

I ran into one such spirit a few days ago when I was doing a reading for a client who had lost her best friend. (I'll post these in the future so you can see the videos I have with my clients and online guests.) Her friend had apparently made a pact with her before he died that he would haunt her if he left first. When I mentioned this to her, she got super emotional and was grateful to get the chance to interact. It was kinda fun.

I stream on TikTok at this point. I'll stream here eventually as well.

But if you wanna see me sooner or hop on my lives where I do free readings, you can find me at @momisamedium. I'll start posting links to the videos soon. They are fun. And informative!

Can't wait for you to catch a glimpse of my super weird world of spirits.


When my daughter comes, she is the one who uses tiktok, I would like to see that, it sounds interesting.

You gotta hop on. It's some crazy shit. I will start posting my live recordings here soon.