More media lunacy - this time from CNN

in #getyerlearnon5 years ago (edited)

I truly believe that the death of actual journalism happened a long time before Trump was elected president. I feel as though this can be traced all the way back to 1980 and it of course began with CNN. CNN was the first 24-hours news station but since most people didn't even have cable until the 90's it didn't really take hold until the turn of the millennium. Prior to that people waiting for the 6 o'clock news or whatever time of day it was and maybe there was a morning news station also. The stories tended to be very short and since there was not time for pundits, the stations tended to focus on facts rather than opinions (imagine that! Factual news coverage! WOW!) There were radio stations dedicated to news decades prior to this but they generally only operated during daytime hours.

Anyway, that is another story. As if CNN didn't have enough eye-rolling moments as of late this is an actual headline that they pushed out as news recently.


I believe that CNN in fact does use race as a method of pushing news stories on a regular basis. It is one of their mainstays. Everything is racist in one fashion or another. Even anti-racism groups have accused one another of being racist and so forth in their effort to out-virtue-signal one another. CNN is not the only guilty party in this: I think that all news stations are guilty of crap like this at one point or another for one simple reason: There isn't enough actual news to talk about 24-hours a day.

This garbage is unforgivable though.


Does anyone at CNN actually feel that this is an appropriate thing to be discussing? I realize that the U.K. has an extremely liberal policy on what you can and can not say about the Royal Family but I will say this: isn't there a certain standard of decency that should..... ok never mind, it is the MSM we are talking about, they have no decency.

I didn't read the article. I don't need to. I haven't read it or any other CNN news story in many years (the same can be said for every other mass media outlet also) but is this how starved we have become for actual news stories? Is this something that anyone actually wants to know and if there are people that actually want to know... what friggin difference does it make?

CNN has seen declining viewership, all 24-hour news stations have seen the same because people are no longer staring at TV's to get news and most people don't trust the big networks anymore. However, CNN has seen losses of viewership at a rate much higher than the other major stations like Fox and MSNBC. They recently laid off 100 workers and there are talks of letting even more go. Although I believe they are already basically a tabloid in the news world, I think that this story is going to come back to bite them in the butt. I certainly hope that it does because this is not news... it is insulting and stupid.

I would imagine that none of the people inside Steemit depend on the MSM for their news and this is probably a very very good thing.


It is a joke and they are trying to make news where there isn't any.Race should not be an issue today and should be left out of the media. Surely there are more important things happening around the world, but then again that would take proper journalism.

Journalism has been a joke for a long time, there are no real journalists anymore. At least in the bigger outlets. There have been so, so many cases and articles written from all types of news outlets that were absolutely ridiculous and made the writer look like they rubbed their taint all over the keyboard and published it. It's part of the reason why old media tries to destroy new media all the time.

People would rather watch some random person report facts and news on a Youtube video than go to CNN or MSNBC and deal with the reporting of a sewer dwelling troglodyte masquerading as a reporter. And, I don't blame them.

fantastic choice of words as usual. Yes, the MSM things that I see are just snippets making fun of them. I don't actually know anyone who watches this drivel.

I legitamtely don't know anyone who actually does listen to mainstream media seriously that isn't either an old boomer or a Gen X person. As soon as both those generations die out I think most of the old media outlets will be fucked.

On an off topic, have you found another game to jam on after finishing up God of War?

Im on The Last of Us right now, only because it was in the bundle. However, i'm not really digging it and may give up soon. I was eyeing up witcher 3 because it was on special. I think the special ended and I may end up regretting not getting it

Really? What don't you like about it? I think you're the first person I've talked to who wasn't a fan of that game. And, Witcher 3 goes on sale pretty often so if you did miss it you probably won't have to wait more than another month or two for another good sale.

If you have PS Plus (Their subscription service to play games online), you get 2 games for free each month from PSN, by the way. Wasn't sure if you knew about that or not. I got quite a few games that were great just from having a 12 month subscription, though once you run out you don't have access to those games until you renew. Which sucks some soggy monkey scrotum for me since my shit ran out, like, 3 months ago. Boooo.

i got a membership with a console purchase. I don't see much benefit other than the free games but i hear it is pretty cheap so I may do it just for that. It is a bit of a gamble.

I'll continue on Last of Us. I tend to give up on games pretty easy. I think transitioning from a kick the crap out of everything you see game like GOW and then needing to stealth a bit kind of hit me the wrong way :P

I trust your judgement so I'll keep going :)

The Last of Us has such a good story I definitely think you should stick with it. It got its penis sucked hard for a reason. I myself am not a huge stealth fan either, but it's a good game and I personally didn't regret playing it.

It's $60 USD for 12 months, which is why I haven't continued mine as having a spare $60 right now isn't something that happens often. But, while I could afford it I was happy to pay it. Here's some of the games I got and really enjoyed from the service, just to give you an idea of the good stuff you can get from time to time.

  • SOMA
  • Friday the 13th (Not a great game, but it was a fun multiplayer experience for awhile. Made a fun video out of it at least awhile back)
  • Destiny 2
  • God of War III
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Heavy Rain
  • Bloodbourne
  • XCOM 2

And, those were just from a handful of months of having it. Some months can be really lame and you get crap, but others are great and you get some fun games that are fucking great.

But, like I mentioned, remember that you lose access to those games if you don't buy a membership. When I'm not broke and can spare it, I plan on trying to renew since they cucked me out of finishing a bunch of games I had backlogged.

CNN is now committed to proving themselves as failures and hacks on a daily basis. Got to respect their dedication at least. A hard sprint to irrelevance.

I'm not surprised, even with the UK being liberal and racism free and yidi yadda there are still traces of racism here and there, I won't really say the headline is racist, but it's tending to be, does it matter if a royal prince is black? These issues shouldn't even make the editor's table

CNN, MSM and nearly every other major news outlet have constant diarrhea of the mouth. Manipulating and clearly pushing a narrative.

Modern journalism has failed for a long time because most of their news are just fallacy and is been made-up just to get the attention of the masses. And with a very high level of deceit and false, this particular headline looks really annoying @gooddream

The problem of being a big news network is that you're main income comes from literally just making the best of what you got. Even if that means low quality work.

Even then, I'm shocked, don't know who OK'd that one.

Imagine the outrage if you substitute "white" for "black" in that headline.

I can tolerate CNN more than most of the other ones. Really if we are going to watch anything like that it is pretty much HLN. My wife likes it to see what is happening to the latest guy that killed his wife. When I was getting radiation for my cancer they always had Fox news on in the waiting room. Talk about making me want to throw up. It wasn't from the radiation either! Even local news stations are pretty much fluff talking about the latest person that set up a go-fund-me page etc. It is all mindless noise.

That is a cheap way to attract attention

The media are used to manipulate people.

This happened to Serena Williams as well. Looks like some people can't help themselves, this is normal to them. However, I wasn't expecting this from CNN at all.
I'm not going to read the article, just as you said, there's no need for that. I just wish someone would do something, so these cases won't repeat. After a while people will think this is normal. We should avoid that.